VBA is one of the top 5 programming language; old but gold, I did created a VBA Excel Ticket Management System that keep records of ticket status and Help to reduce the tracking workload of incident / minor cases Feel free to play with code :)
- Perform CRUD- CREAT READ, UPDATE AND DELETE operation on database 📝
- Perform data validation 🎌
- Show custom icons and calendar window 📅
- Display recorded data in charts and graphs. 📊
- Creating/Insert new record
- I purposly 💡 left the 'Comments field' empty because in step-4, we will update the comment textbox
In step-3, we left comment section empty, this time, comment textbox will be have a data (In short: update operation is performing ⭐ )
In Order to update data, double click (WE are updating Primary key/ ID number:6 row comment field) is required on selected row and existing fields will populate with selected data with respect to fields: