This package has been designed to facilitate data access by compiling the metadata associated with ENCODE files and making it available in the format of a data table. While this data can be accessed as-is, we recommend using the ENCODExplorer companion package, which contains utility functions for using the online ENCODE search function, downloading selected files, and retrieving control-treatment experimental designs from ENCODE.
ENCODExplorerData is an official Bioconductor package. You can install it using the BiocManager package:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
You can also obtain the current release from the BioConductor website.
To generate up-to-date version of the data tables exported by this package,
simply run the inst/scripts/make-data.R
script. These will create files
named encode_df_lite.rda
and encode_df_full.rda
in the current directory.
Charles Joly Beauparlant, Eric Fournier and Arnaud Droit.
See Arnaud Droit Lab website.
This package and the underlying ENCODExplorer code are distributed under the Artistic license 2.0. You are free to use and redistribute this software.
For more information on Artistic 2.0 License see
If you have any bugs or feature requests, let us know. Thanks!