The main Objective of this project is to combine all university resource on a singal platform. In this Admin can upload informtion, study Materials, Notices, Cources information, Register Students,etc using Adimn panel and Student can see those infromation by login in the student panel using ID and Password of that student which is given by the Adimn and also give the feedback about anything, Complaint ,etc.
A web application for comprehensive university student information, including notices, study materials, courses, etc.
In this project we use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootrstrap for designing and JSP (Java Server Pages) as server side language which is use to connect frontend to the database and SQL database (RDBMS) for storing the data. For run this project we need Java development kit (JDk), LocalHost server (Xampp) which works as a RDBMS Server, Netbeans Code Editor. For further information refer File:- "Project Report GPC.pdf"