Category : Resturant website
In this website a user can book his meal and see all kinds of meal available in the restaurent website. A user can also add reviews after requesting a meal. A user can also add reviews for meals. To request a meal a user must login
admin name : admin password : Admin2@
Website name : Eat Elite
Live link :
=> A user can Login to The website
=> A user can Add reviews for the meal
=> A user can Give like to meals
=> A user can See his meal item and reviews in the dashboard
=> A admin can add items in the website
=> a admin can remove items from the website
=> a admin can see all the reviews
=> A admin can serve meal from here
=> A admin can delete users
=> Admin can add upcoming meals
Steps to Run This Project:
Download the Project from GitHub
Go to the GitHub repository of the project. Click on the green "Code" button. Select "Download ZIP" and save it to your desired location. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a folder. Install Node.js and npm
If you haven't already, download and install Node.js from npm (Node Package Manager) is included with Node.js, so you don't need to install it separately. Open a Terminal or Command Prompt
Navigate to the project folder using the terminal or command prompt. For example:
cd path/to/your/project-folder Install Project Dependencies
Run the following command to install all the necessary dependencies specified in the package.json file:
npm install Start the Development Server
After the dependencies are installed, start the development server using the following command:
npm run dev This command will start the React development server and open the application in your default web browser. Typically, it runs at http://localhost:5000. Summary of Commands
cd path/to/your/project-folder
npm install
npm run dev
Additional Notes : Ensure you have a stable internet connection during the npm install step, as it downloads the necessary packages from the npm registry.
If the project uses specific environment variables, you might need to create a .env file in the root directory of the project. Refer to the project’s documentation for details on required environment variables.
Follow any specific instructions mentioned in the project's README file.
By following these steps, you should be able to run the React project locally on your PC after downloading it from GitHub.