The ecommerce Project is a open-source project written in .NET Core 3.1
The goal of this project is implement the most common used technologies and share with the technical community the best way to develop great applications with .NET and evoluting learn.
- PostgreSQL
- .NET Core SDK 3.1
- Entity Framework Core 3.1
- MediatR 7.0.0
- Identity Core 3.1
- FluentValidator
- Angular 1.6.3
- Swagger UI
- Entity Framework Core 3.1
- .NET WebApi Core
- AutoMapper
- Responsibility separation concerns, SOLID and Clean Code
- Domain Driven Design
- Domain Events
- Domain Notification
- Event Sourcing
- Unit of Work
- Repository and Generic Repository
- You will need the latest latest .NET Core SDK 3.1 or higher
- You can be downloaded from