A (not so final) resting place for neural network layers in MatConvNet. Most rigourously tested, a few surviving on prayer, fasting and MNIST test alone. Layers include pairwise/verification utilities, matrix multiplication, L2 or regression loss, etc.
I am also working on providing small snippets of code that will demonstrate the layers on small datasets like MNIST.
All the M-files implementing the network layers are to be found under the layers
Each vl_*.m
file implements the logic of the forward and backward passes for a layer. Each class file wraps a particular vl_*.m
function so that they can be used to define a DAG object in MatConvNet.
We call the cnn_mnist()
function from the examples of the MatConvNet package. This trains a LeNet-style network (without batch normalization) using the regular softmax loss.
Then using this as an intialization, we train the network using a pairwise verification loss. You may have to play around with the learning rate (increase or decrease by a factor of 10), depending on how many epochs the softmax training was allowed to proceed, to see the training error and objective go down steadily.
%% Pre-training
% Run the MNIST baseline network with a softmax loss
[net_fc, info_fc] = cnn_mnist(...
'expDir', 'data/mnist-baseline', ...
'batchNormalization', false, ...
'networkType', 'dagnn');
%% Verification
% Using softmax loss network as initialization, train using verification
% loss. Default: no GPU.
[net_v, info_v] = cnn_mnist_verif(...
'expDir', 'data/mnist-verif-v1.2', 'batchNormalization', false, ...
'networkType', 'dagnn', 'baseNetwork', net_fc, ...
'train', struct('gpus', [], 'numEpochs', 40, 'learningRate', 0.0001));
% add a fixed layer that sums over all the channels
% -- pred = sum_i(w_i*x_i) + b
sum_conv = dagnn.Conv('size',[1 1 785 1],'pad',0,'stride',1,'hasBias',false);
net.addLayer('sum_conv', sum_conv, {'wx'}, {'pred'}, {'sum_conv_f', 'sum_conv_b'});
net.params(net.getParamIndex('sum_conv_f')).value = ones(1, 1, 785, 1, 'single');
net.params(net.getParamIndex('sum_conv_f')).learningRate = 0;
net.params(net.getParamIndex('sum_conv_b')).value = single(0);
net.params(net.getParamIndex('sum_conv_b')).learningRate = 0;
- Elementwise:
- ElemDiv
- ElemProd
- Losses:
- LossRegul: regulariser on the features/activations. L1 or L2.
- L2Loss: Regression loss between targets and outputs.
- PairwiseLoss: for verification or siamese networks
- minimise distance between same pairs
- maximise distance between different pairs
- tested on MNIST
- Normalizers:
- L2Norm: L2-normalize features to 1 in 2-norm. Taken from B-CNN codebase.
- Funky/Misc:
- MixBasis: Form a linear combination of two branches of a network:
- branch 1 gives a vector
- branch 2 gives a matrix
- output of MixBasis is the linear combination of the cols of the matrix using the elements of the vector as weights
- BatchSplit: split the batch into two -- even and odd numbered samples. This can be pretty handy when training a siamese network for face verification.
- MixBasis: Form a linear combination of two branches of a network: