This project simulates the flocking behavior of boids (bird-like objects) using a set of rules. Test the online online Version
The simulation demonstrates how complex group behaviors can emerge from limited environmental awareness and simple rules.
The strength of these three behaviors can be controlled with their respective sliders.
Beyond these rules, each boid is initialized at a random location with a random velocity and a predefined perception radius.
- Separation: Each agent tends to avoid collisions with its neighbors.
- Alignment: Each agent tries to align its velocity with that of its neighbors.
- Cohesion: Each agent tries to move towards the average position of its neighbors.
With the sum of these three simple rules, the agents can exhibit complex flocking behaviors.
- Dynamic Boids Number: Determine and maintain the optimal number of boids within the canvas to achieve the highest possible agent count without impacting the target frame rate (Disabled by default).
- Spatial Partitioning: Agents are organized into a grid to optimize neighbor search.
- Control Panel: The user can adjust simulation parameters in real-time.
- Agent Visualization: The user can toggle the display of agents' vision range and current cells neighbors.
- Mouse Atraction/Repulsion: The user can attract/repel the boids to the mouse position.
In Scripts/parameters.js you can find the following parameters of the simulation, which can be adjusted to change the behavior of the boids:
const params = {
numBoids: 1000, // Number of boids in the flock
boidsRadius: 10, // Radius of the boids
perceptionRadius: 120, // Radius for boid perception
maxSpeed: 300, // Maximum speed of the boids (px/seg)
maxForce: 12, // Maximum steering force
maxForceMouse: 13, // Maximum steering force for mouse avoidance/atraction
alignmentWeight: 1.2, // Weight for alignment behavior
cohesionWeight: 1.2, // Weight for cohesion behavior
separationWeight: 1.2, // Weight for separation behavior
mouseWeight: 1, // Weight for mouse avoidance/atraction
canvasWidth: 600, // Width of the canvas
canvasHeight: 600, // Height of the canvas
horizontalDivisions: 14, // Number of horizontal divisions
verticalDivisions: 14, // Number of vertical divisions
backgroundColor: "#003049", // Background color of the canvas
boidsColor: "#c1121f", // Color of the boids
showOneColor: "#fdf0d5", // Color of the boid when showing only one
targetFps: 60, // Target frame rate
targetDelta: 1000 / 60, // Target delta time (ms) (1000 / targetFps)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Flocking-Boids
- Open the index.html.
This simulation was made using the P5.js library. Its an open source creative coding platform.
- Craig Reynolds for the original Boids algorithm.
- The nature of code - Chapter 5: Autonomous Agents By Daniel Shiffman.
- The code Train - challenge 124 for similar projects.