A ChatWeb is a Responsive web application used for global communication with people.
Deployed on Vercel: chatweb-awful.vercel.app
You can sign up or sign in with any email, as this is just a project. We don't save or share your password because we store everything in Firebase, and we use Firebase's inbuilt functions for signing in, signing up, and signing out.
The project reached its running state due to the hard work of three individuals:
- Asgar Datari [Frontend Designer & Team Leader]
- Aaquif Qureshi [Backend Engineer & Database Engineer]
- Mrunal Shah [Backend Architect & Mentor]
What does ChatWeb Offer?
- It is built using HTML, (CSS, Bootstrap), and JavaScript.
- It is Responsive for Mobile, Tablets, Laptops, and more...
- It uses Firebase for its real-time database for storing and retrieving data.
- SignIn, SignUp, and SignOut are secure as we use Firebase's inbuilt functions.
- We store users' online/offline status and allow other users to see who is online or offline. (Only available in desktop view)
- A lot of details are present at every part of the code, if you notice.
- A lot of bugs exist at every part of the code because we are broken.
- The project is live on Vercel but will not be updated, and no new features will be added anytime soon.
Desktop View | Mobile View |
Meet The Team :