Hello! My name is Ashiqur Rahaman and I am a Full Stack Node Developer, passionate about building digital products that improve everyday experience for people. I love to work on exciting projects that test what I've learned. I am working with NODE stack and programming languages like JavaScript for web development and Backend Developer. Looking forward to some exciting and challenging opportunities.
🔭 I’m currently pursuing Full Stack Node Development
Checkout my Resume
🌱 I’m currently learning NODE stack
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on LinkedIn
📫 Reach me on ashiqur999999@gmail.com
💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
⚡ Fun Fact: Imagination is more important than knowledge
💬 Have a look at my Portfolio
Express |
Bootstrap |
Git |
Heroku |
JavaScript |
Postman |
MongoDB |
Netlify |
Node.js |