The CollegeAdmissionManagementSystem project is a Java-based android application used by schools, colleges & institutions for various admission processes and online study material management. It's a very light weight yet highly feature-rich app. Developed by using the latest android native technologies and while keeping maximum performance and security in mind.
The CollegeAdmissionManagementSystem can be very flexible as it provides you the flexibility to customize the software on the basis of your needs and requirements so as to run a smooth and efficient software.
To run the app :
- Android OS Version :
4.4 KitKat (SDK/API Level 19) or Above
- Hardware :
Minimum 2GB RAM + 4 Core CPU + 100MB Storage or Above
- Permissions :
No Permissions Required to Run The App
- Sensor :
Please Disable The Auto Rotation Mode - Off
To develop the app :
- IDE :
Minimum Android Studio v2022.1.1 or Above
- SDK :
Minimum Android SDK v33 or Above
- Hardware :
Minimum 8GB RAM + 30GB Free Storage
- OS :
Windows 10 or Above
Project dependencies:
- androidx.appcompat:appcompat
: 1.6.1
: 1.8.0
- androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout
: 2.1.4
- junit : junit
: 4.13.2
- androidx.test.ext : junit
: 1.1.5
- androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core
: 3.5.1
- com.daimajia.androidanimations : library
: 2.4@aar
: 3.6.0
- com.orhanobut:dialogplus
: 1.11@aar
- com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer
: 3.2.0-beta.1
- com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp
: 4.9.1