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Project Report


States List


  • Base CLK : 50 MHz
  • VGA CLK : PLL - 40 MHz


  • 4-Direction Buttons
  • Select Button
  • Barcode Number Digits
    • 12 Product
      • 4-digit Code for Each Product
      • Min 2 Different Digit/Button -> 2^4 = 16 Product
    • Quantity
      • Max : 4
      • 4 Button (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Final Decition
    • 4 Button (1, 2, 3, 4) (<-, ^, ->, v)
    • 1 Action Button (Select = Delete) ?+ (Edit Quantity in SW-2 Mode)


  • SW-1 : Mode Arrow
  • SW-2 : Mode Editting
  • SW-0 : Button Managment Switch

Segment Display

  • (TBD)
  • ? Barcode can be Displayed
    • 4 Digit


  • Details & Referrence
  • Frame Size : 800 x 600
  • Frame Rate : 60 Hz
  • Horizontal Timing
    • Visible : 800
    • F. Porch: 40
    • B. Porch: 88
    • S. Pulse: 128
    • Total : 1056
  • Vertical Timing
    • Visible : 600
    • F. Porch: 1
    • B. Porch: 23
    • S. Pulse: 4
    • Total : 628
  • Total B/s : 39.790.080
  • VGA CLK FREQ: 40 MHz

Link Resources

Verilog Tutorial

VGA Controller


  • Layout :
    • Product List
    • Basket List
    • Overall Price
    • Logo
  • 12 Product : banana(3124), patato(4132), tomato(4133), peach(3121), apple(3133), pineapple(3214), avocado(2134), cherry(2144), fig(3112), grape(4321), kiwi(1342), lemon(1213)
    • Images : Fixed Sized (100 x 100), Fixed Position
  • 3 Modes :
    • Barcode : SW1 & SW2 OFF
    • Arrow : SW1 ON & SW2 OFF
    • Basket Editing : SW2 ON & SW1 X