- Requirements: node.js (http://nodejs.org/download/), git (http://git-scm.com/downloads)
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the cloned folder
- Install node packages
npm install
- Install front-end packages (linux)
./node_modules/.bin/bower prune
./node_modules/.bin/bower install
- Install front-end packages (windows)
node_modules\.bin\bower prune
node_modules\.bin\bower install
- Copy the development.sample.json to development.json and configure the development.json with your service domains
- Copy the app/config.sample.js to config.js and configure it with your service domains
- If you don't have the services locally installed set 'useRemoteServices' in the config.js to true
- Start App
npm start
- By default the App is running on http://localhost:9000/app/
- Running Tests:
npm test
- Running E2E-Tests:
npm run-script protractor
- If you have Problems with running the E2E-Tests, try updating the webdriver and make sure you have Chrome installed
node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update
- Install Ruby/Sass/compass for compile css files:
- Ruby: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/installation/ (http://rubyinstaller.org/ for Ruby for Windows)
- install sass:
gem install sass
- install compass:
gem install compass
- the file config.rb defines the Sass variables and directories
- for compile Sass files into Css while editing run command in the config.rb directory:
compass watch
- /app/css files are generated by compass / sass files, do not modify them directly
- for modify certain styles inspect the element in Chrome and click the .css file at the right panel, the comment has the exact .scss line in which the style is defined.
CityEnabler-Data-Interpreter-Tool-Front-End is based on the output of the PolicyCompass project.
For more information see https://github.com/policycompass