This eCommerce application is a robust, full-featured platform designed to handle various aspects of online shopping, including user management, product handling, order processing, and more. Built with a focus on solid architecture, extensive error handling, and a well-defined role-based access system, the application provides a seamless shopping experience and administrative capabilities.
- User Registration & Authentication: Secure user registration and login using JWT tokens. Email verification and password resets are handled via nodemailer.
- Admin Management: Admins can manage user roles, view applications, and handle approvals/rejections. Admin actions are logged for audit purposes.
- User Deletion: Users can be deleted, and associated data (categories, brands, products, wishlists, carts, and reviews) are also removed.
- CRUD Operations: Full management of products, categories, and subcategories.
- Stock Management: Automatic stock updates based on user actions (orders and cancellations).
- Brands & Coupons: Manage product brands and apply coupons.
- Order Creation & Processing: Users can place orders, which are processed and tracked. Payment integration with Stripe.
- Order Cancellation: Users can cancel orders under specific conditions. Stock and coupon usage are updated accordingly.
- Order Receipts: Generate and manage invoices. Invoices are stored in Cloudinary and referenced in the database for tax and accounting purposes.
- Email Notifications: Notifications for user registration, OTPs, password resets, and order details with attached invoices.
- Validation: Comprehensive validation using Joi for all incoming data (body, params, query).
- Error Handling: Robust error handling across the application using custom error classes and middleware.
- System Roles: Defined roles for users, admins, and other system roles with specific permissions.
- Pagination & Filtering: APIs support pagination and filtering for managing large datasets like orders and receipts.
- Webhook Integration: Stripe webhooks handle payment events and order processing.
- SOLID Principles: The application follows SOLID principles to ensure a clean, maintainable, and scalable codebase.
- Separation of Concerns: Initialization code is separated into
, keepingindex.js
focused on application startup.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB (with Mongoose for ORM)
- Authentication: JWT
- Payment Gateway: Stripe
- File Storage: Cloudinary
- Email Service: Nodemailer
- Validation: Joi
- File Handling: Multer
- Utilities: Nanoid for unique IDs, PDFKit for generating invoices
Check out the live demo of the application: Live Demo