Workflow to reconstruct multiple metabolic graphs and assess capacity to synthesize specific compounds.
Table of contents
This workflow is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0-or-later, see the LICENSE file for details.
These tools are needed:
- Prokka
- EggNOG-mapper
- Bakta
- Pathway Tools (which needs Blast)
And some python packages:
To run annotation based reconstruction, you need to install Pathway Tools. This tool is available at the Pathway Tools website.
You also should install the MetaCyc_XX.X.padmet (the version number of MetaCyc is replaced with XX.X), and then you should update your config.txt files for each study. This is the way to getting a MetaCyc_XX.padmet file: Firstly, download the flat files of MetaCyc in DAT format at the webpage. Secondly, put all the downloaded DAT files in a directory (it is named FLAT_DIR here). Thirdly run this command:
padmet pgdb_to_padmet --pgdb=FLAT_DIR --output=metacyc_XX.X.padmet --version=XX.X --db=Metacyc -v
If you have installed all the dependencies, you can just install prolipipe with:
pip install prolipipe [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT --tax TAXFILE --padmet_ref PATH_TO_PADMET_REF --ptsc PTSC --ptsi PTSI --pwy PWY_FOLD --strain STRAIN
[--annot ANNOT] [--egg_path EGG_PATH] [--bak_path BAK_PATH] [-c CPUS] [-a] [-k] [-q]