Clemson University, International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), Department of Automotive Engineering.
Authors: Amogh V. Reddy and Zongming Yang and Bing Li (AutoAI Research Lab, Email:
- Venkataramana Reddy, Amogh, "Virtual Prototyping and Validation for Autonomous Assistive Mobility" (2023), Clemson University Master Thesis:
- Yang, Zongming, Bing Li et al. "SeeWay: Vision-Language Assistive Navigation for the Visually Impaired." IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2022. Best Paper Finalist.
The repository has the files and informatimn needed to perform autonomous navigation for a wheelchair using a ZED2i camera in simulation using the Nvidia Isaac Sim tool and on a real robot.
The folder "Omniverse" contains the necessary information to set up the wheelchair simulation in Isaac Sim.
Autonomous wheelchair simulation and demo in:
- Nvidia-Isaac
- ROS and navigation test in the CU-ICAR Lab.