- Windows 8.1 Universal App
- AppBar/CommandBar
- Windows Isolated Storage
- Linq to Xml
The App consists of one project (my first project, remember? ;-))
Main Objects
- MainPage
- Hosts the app's splash image, command bar (opens by right click), and Load/Save/Settings Canvas objects.
- Contains 2 grids: One for the game's board and one for indicators (timer and life counter).
- Contains the "Game" object
- Game
- Controls the game's timer and level.
- Contains the game's Board and serves as a middleware between MainPage and Board object.
- Board
- Hosts the game's entities (Player, Enemies and Obstacles) and controls their movement.
- Events: NewEntityCreated, EntityIsHit, EntityIsDead
- Entity
- Abstract class that serves as a parent class for Player, Enemy and Obstacle classes.
- Events: PositionChanged, ImageOpened
- Properties as shown in the diagram below.
- Player
- Inherits from class Entity
- Has a "step size" property, initialized in constructor.
- Has a Move method, allowing to change its position one step at a time, at a given direction.
- Enemy
Inherits from class Entity
Has a "step size" property, initialized in constructor.
Has a private Move method, called by a timer, whos interval determined according to game's level.
Has the following randomly set properties, that controls the way it moves:
Move Pattern
Pattern Description Following Player Moves towards player Straight Moves back and forth in straight lines Diagonal Moves in diagonal lines; Changes direction in 90 degrees when hitting something Circular Moves in circles. Changes direction (clockwise/counterclockwise) when hitting something. Circle's Radius is set to maximum possible on initial positioning Move Pace
Pace Description Constant Moves one step every timer tick. Default for following-player enemies Quantum Stays in place for a predetermined number of timer ticks and then moves a predetermined number of steps Accelerated Starts moving in a regular interval, then accelerates to a predetermined value, then returns to a regular interval and starts again Decelerated Starts moving in a regular interval, then decelerates to a predetermined value, then returns to a regular interval and starts again
- The player first appears in the middle of the screen and is marked with a bottom yellow "shadow".
- The target is to avoid enemies until there's only one left, and to achieve that at a minimum time.
- Move the player with the keyboard's arrows.
- A collision between a player and an enemy decrements both their lifes by 1.
- A collision between two enemies decrements the life of the causer by 1.
- Player lifes: 10
- Enemy lifes: 3
Use mouse right click to show/hide menu bar