MSR_MOGA is a Multi-objective Genetic-Algorithm (MOGA) based path planning approach for modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRs). The program introduces customized reproduction operators and implemented revised NSGA-II technique to approach the multi-objective path planning problem. The program is developed and simulated under Processing environment.
Install and directly run the code under Processing.
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-Based Autonomous Path Planning for Hinged-Tetro Reconfigurable Tiling Robot (Link to Paper)
- To cite the paper through BibTeX:
@article{ku2020, author={P. C. {Ku} and R. E. {Mohan} and N. H. {Khanh Nhan} and A. V. {Le}}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-Based Autonomous Path Planning for Hinged-Tetro Reconfigurable Tiling Robot}, year={2020}, volume={8}, pages={121267-121284},}
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