Welcome to Judicio, the AI-assisted judge platform that integrates blockchain technology for enhanced transparency, security, and efficiency in legal processes. This README will guide you through setting up the environment and installing all necessary prerequisites.
Before you can get started, ensure that you have the following tools and libraries installed on your system.
Node.js is required to run JavaScript code on the server side, and npm is the package manager for Node.js.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
npm install -g truffle
Ganache is a local Ethereum blockchain for development, where you can deploy contracts, develop your DApps, and run tests.
npm install -g ganache-cli
Alternatively, you can download the Ganache GUI if you prefer a graphical interface.
Create a workspace named development in Ganache. In the Truffle projects section, add truffle-config.js
by clicking the ADD PROJECT
Solidity is the programming language used to write smart contracts for Ethereum.
npm install -g solc
Mocha is a test framework for Node.js, and Chai is an assertion library used alongside Mocha.
npm install --save-dev mocha chai
MetaMask is a browser extension that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
- Visit MetaMask and install the extension for your preferred browser.
Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes in your codebase.
sudo apt-get install -y git
Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor that provides excellent support for JavaScript, Solidity, and more.
sudo snap install --classic code
Once you’ve installed all the prerequisites, you can set up your Truffle project and install the necessary dependencies.
If you haven’t already initialized a Truffle project, do so with the following command:
truffle init
Navigate to your project directory and install the required npm packages:
npm install
Start Ganache
To start a local blockchain instance:ganache-cli
Compile Contracts
Compile your smart contracts:truffle compile
Deploy Contracts
Deploy the compiled contracts to the blockchain:truffle migrate
Run Tests
Test your contracts using Mocha and Chai:truffle test
We welcome contributions! Please fork this repository and create a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.