This repository contains the code for a comprehensive Real Estate Marketplace Application, built using Angular for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend. The live website is accessible here, and it has undergone more than 100 commits.
- Browse and filter real estate listings: Explore a diverse range of property listings.
- Search for properties: Utilize various criteria to find properties tailored to your needs.
- User authentication and authorization: Securely manage access to the application.
- Add new properties: Easily contribute new properties to the platform.
- Edit and delete existing property listings: Maintain accurate and up-to-date information.
- User profiles and related information: Displays user profiles.
- Detailed property information: Shows detailed information about a specific property.
- Image upload for property listings: Handles the uploading of images for property listings.
- Alerts and notifications: Handles and displays alerts or notifications to users.
- Image carousel: Implements a carousel for showcasing multiple images.
- Loading spinner: Indicates loading or processing status with a spinner.
- Angular
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS (CSS framework for styling)
- Swiper (JavaScript slider library)
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- MySQL Database
- Home page
- Search page
- Property details page
- Profile page
- Login page
- Sign up page
- Add property page
- Update property page