Shoe Inventory Application is developed as part of Udacity Nanodegree Android Kotlin Developer Course. This is aimed to demonstrate full understanding of the following aspect of android development with kotlin : * Designing application UI using android layout design e.f Linear layout and Constraint * Implementing App navigation across different screens and handling back stack properly * Activity and Fragment lifecycle - App Architecture using Android architecture components - LiveData - ViewModel * Using Data binding to reduce boiler code in app.
Login Screen : Consist of Email and Password fields with simple validation to check if fields are empty
Welcome OnBoarding Screen : Consist of Image view and text field and a button to proceed
Instruction OnBoarding Screen : Consist of Image view and text field and a button to proceed
Shoe Listing Screen : A LinearLayout inside the ScrollView for Shoe Items and a FloatingActionButton with an action to navigate to the shoe detail screen
Shoe Detail Screen : A constraint layout with text field for shoe name, shoe size, shoe description and brand name. An add button to add a list of shoe and a cancel button to navigate back to shoe list fragment
- The Detail screen needs to add the new item to the view model. The listing screen should be listening to that model and show the new item.
- There should only be one activity: MainActivity. Each screen should be a fragment.
- The project's code is error-free.
- The project correctly implements LinearLayout and ConstraintLayout to match the complexity of the layout of a page. Using code comments, the project justifies the use of ConstraintLayout or LinearLayout
- Databinding is set to the appropriate setting in the app build.gradle file and all layout uses the
when appropriate. - The app contains at least 5 screens and they transverse in the correct order :
- Login
- Welcome
- Instructions screen
- Listing screen
- Detail screens
- All click listeners are connected via the DataBindingUtil class and uses the NavController to navigate to the next screen.
- This menu will appear only on the Shoe Listing screen and will return the user to the login screen