Hey there 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 ! StarWars App is a simple android application developed to demonstrate clean architectural guidelines with MVI android architecture.
StarWars Application is under development. Note: StarWars Application data source is from star wars api and not cache implement. See API Documentation Here
- Clean Architecture With MVI
- Kotlin Coroutine with flow for async operations
- Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
- View Binding to bind UI layout to data model
- Retrofit library to had interaction with external api
- Mockito for Unit testing
As this is an android project, you will need an android device to run the application Instruction to run the project
Download and install lastest android studio on your device.
- Here is the link to download the lastest version of android studio
Clone the project repository by running the following command line on a terminal
git clone https://github.com/Ayodeji97/StarWars
Open project in android studio by clicking of File -> New -> Import project and choose the downloaded project
Run the app
- Kotlin Coroutine
- Kotlin Flow
- Retrofit 2
- ViewBinding
- ViewModel
- Gson
- Androidx
- Navigation componenet
- Dagger Hilt
- Timber
- OkHttp3
- Navigation Componenet
- Truth - Assertions Library,provides readability as far as assertions are concerned
- MockWebServer - web server for testing HTTP clients ,verify requests and responses on the star wars api with the retrofit client.
- Robolectric - Unit test on android framework.
- Espresso - Test framework to write UI Tests
Daniel Ayodeji