This software allows a user to generate data simulating a moving endoscope in a textured nasal cavity (or other anatomy) mesh and to train a neural network to learn the regions in which the endoscope must be located to generate particular images. Please cite this preprint if results from this software are used in a paper: "Towards automatic initialization of registration algorithms using simulated endoscopy images", Ayushi Sinha, Masaru Ishii, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager, Austin Reiter. arXiv:1806.10748 (2018). URL:
- OpenGL: pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate
- TriMesh: pip install trimesh
- PIL: pip install Pillow
- Torch: pip install torchvision
- Scikit-image: pip install scikit-image
- Clone this repository
- Run python to render default mesh
- Mesh and texture image can be modified in opengl_viewer/
- Move the camera inside the mesh using WQAZSX and arrow keys
- Key c saves the current view as an image and the current camera pose in a text file, each pair known as a keyframe
- calls to interpolate between saved keyframes and save renderings at different camera poses
- displays the saved images in a given folder allowing the user to inpect the training images
- trains a neural network to learn the region that a camera should lie in to generate different images