Basic browser router based on history package
I built this with a goal of having very simple browser router for my React.js projects. The code is very down-to-earth, yet capable to do it's job - routing, redirecting, working with protected routes.
Install the package with npm:
$ npm install --save router420
Then integrate it into your project with bundle like webpack, and start writing the code:
import { Router, Route, browserHistory} from 'router420';
//...your other imports
<Router styles={styles.container} history={browserHistory}>
<Route exactly pattern='/' component={AuthFormContainer} />
<Route exactly pattern ='/customer' component={CustomerRoute} />
<Route exactly pattern='/customer/orderCreation' component={OrderCreationRoute} />
<Route exactly pattern='/customer/orderCreation/orderCreationForm' component={OrderCreationFormRoute} />
You can easily write your own protected routes using Redirect. Just remember that protected route's component needs to access the credentials. In this example I pass them from Redux store, yet Redux isn't a requirement for this router.
import { Redirect } from 'router420';
// ...other imports
class CustomerRoute extends React.Component {
checkCredentials = () => {
if (this.props.isLogged && this.props.role === 'customer'){
<CustomerMain />
} else {
return <Redirect to={'/'} />
For programmatical navigation there some helper functions for history api:
import { locationPush, locationReplace } from 'router420';
Beware that for now React forbids to return array of elements without wrapping tags, so this router will produce one container div which you can style through passing prop "styles". This isn't cool and I will fix that issue.