Vidal data scraping is a project based on data scrapping using Unitex and python to extract Drug (medics) information from VIDAL website and match them with their prescriptions given to different patients . these last are saved in a big medical Corpus data file named 'corpus-medical.txt'.
To execute the project do the following steps :
Execute the python script to exctract drugs substances from VIDAL Website
- >>python letter1-letter2 Port
- letter1-letter2 arguments represent the range of characters : example 'A-Z'
- Port arguments represent Port http : by default 80
- the script will output two files Subst.dic and info1.txt
- subst.dic contains all substances extracted with the Unitex dictionary suffix added to fits Unitex dictionary format
- info.txt contains extraction statistics
Execute the python script to ENRICH subst.dic dictionary by adding new substances from the file corpus-medical.txt into new dictionnary also it will delete duplicated occurrences and sort from subst.dic in the end
- >>python corpus-medical.txt
- it outputs the results in subst_enri.dic and alters subst.dic
- it outputs info2.txt and info3.txt
- >>python
- script that calls unitex. To be able to unitize UnitexToolLogger, you must copy Unitex-GramLab \ App UnitexToolLogger.exe in Unitex-GramLab \ French
- >>python
- script to inject the contents of the "concord.html" file into a SQLite database named "extraction.db", using Python's "sqlite3" module.