- این نسخه به روز شد. اطفا به این لینک مراجعه کنید >> https://github.com/Azumi67/V2ray_loadbalance_multipleServers
این نسخه ، لودبالانس چند پورتش مشکل داره و راه حل را پیدا کردم و بعدا داخل اسکریپت دیگه اضافه میکنم
- ایجاد تانل TCP با ایپی ورژن 4 و 6 ( به طور مثال برای V2ray ایجاد کنید.)
- میتوانید از تک یا چندین پورت اگر تعداد کانفیگ بیشتری دارید برای تانل استفاده نمایید.
- میتوانید از port range استفاده نمایید اگر پورت های زیادی دارید.( امکان تانل با ایپی 4 و 6)
- میتوانید برای هر پورت یک ایپی ورژن 6 اختصاص دهید و بر روی تک پورت، لود بالانس ایجاد نمایید.
- قابلیت TCP healthcheck برای لود بالانس
- امکان ایجاد داشبورد تانل با ساب دامین، نام کاربری، رمز عبور و پورت دلخواه شما.
- امکان مشاهده سرویس و ریست کردن آن.
- میتوان برای تانل openvpn هم استفاده کرد چون از پروتکل tcp پشتیبانی میکند اما نام ها برای v2ray انتخاب شده است ولی در اصل تفاوتی ایجاد نمیکند. به طور مثال پورت v2ray خارج که میتوان اینگونه هم نوشت < پورت ovpn خارج.
- پشتیبانی از amd64.
- نخست سرور ایران را کانفیگ کنید.
- لطفا openvpn یا X-ui خود را در سرور خارج نصب کنید. نیازی به نصب در سرور ایران نمیباشد.
سرور ایران - تانل تک پورت با داشبورد
سرور خارج - ساخت تانل ساده تک پورت
سرور ایران - تانل با چندین ایپی 6 ایران و پورت های متفاوت
سرور خارج - تانل مولتی کانفیگ با چندین ایپی 6
لود بالانس تک پورت - سرور ایران
لود بالانس تک پورت - سرور خارج
apt install curl -y && bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opiran-club/VPS-Optimizer/main/optimizer.sh --ipv4)
bash <(curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opiran-club/softether/main/opiran-seth)
apt install curl -y && bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azumi67/FRP-V2ray-Loadbalance/main/frptcp.sh --ipv4)
You can establish a TCP tunnel with IPV6 on single or mutliple ports.
You can also do a simple IPV4 tunnel.
You can create a load balance up to 6 IPV6 on single or multiple ports[for loadbalance multiple ports, the connection will be chosen randomly so I prefer different IPV6 on single port].
You can specify port range and establish a tunnel with IPV4/6
You can setup FRP with dashboard if you want to with your desired Sub-domain, username/password and custom port for your dashboard.
There is a service status in the main menu.
There is a restart button to restart the services.
You can also use it for openvpn as it supports the tcp protocol, but I've changed some of the names to be relevant to V2ray. for example : kharej v2ray port is just a name and can also be used for kharej ovpn port.
It should support x86 and amd64.
- I will describe how to configure FRP simple config, load balancing on single and multiple ports and the dashboard as well. [ use this as a sample]
- First configure your iran server please !
- Please make sure to install X-ui or openvpn on kharej/client. you don't need to install anything on iran side except frp.
First configure your iran server
FRP Kharej - Simple V2ray Config
Enter your Iran & Kharej IPV6
Tunnel port can be any port, i used 443 here. [Same value for both iran & kharej]
Tunnel token is like a password [for example : azumi][Same value for both iran & kharej]
Kharej V2ray port is your original port[for example 8080]
Iran V2ray port will be your new port used in V2rayng [for example 8081]
You can specify port range if you have a lot of ports. for example: kharej v2ray ports = 8080,8081,8082 | iran v2ray ports = 8080,8081,8082
FRP Iran - Simple V2ray Config with Dashboard
Don't use Capital words like here
If you don't have a domain, please use "without dasboard version".
Tunnel port can be anything, i used 332[Same value for both Kharej & Iran]
Tunnel token is like password [for example azumi]
Iran v2ray port will be your new port used in V2rayng [for example 8081]
Kharej V2ray port is your original port [for example 8080]
Enter your subdomain and your email [it's not in the picture above]
Enter your desired Dashboard username/password and port.[ i used azumi for username/password and 700 as port]
You can connect to your tunnel dashboard using https://sub-domain.com:700. << This is an example.
Do the same thing in iran side as well. you can specify port range if you have a lot of ports. for example: kharej v2ray ports = 8080,8081,8082 | iran v2ray ports = 8080,8081,8082 < this is an example
- You can use different methods if you want. for example you can establish a tunnel using 3 kharej IPV6 with different ports and on iran side, from the menu, choose single config and use a port range instead. ( you don't need to choose mutli config if you don't want to)
- for example :
- Kharej server : IPV6-1 kharej v2ray port : 8080 | iran v2ray port : 8080 ---- IPV6-2 kharej v2ray port : 8081 | iran v2ray port : 8081
- iran server : kharej v2ray port : 8080,8081 | iran v2ray port : 8080,8081
Multi config on iran menu is there for people who wants to use different ipv6 for every port on iran side as well and not just kharej side.
Make sure that your kharej & v2ray ports are correct both on kharej & iran side.
LoadBalance Kharej Single Port
- I have chosen 3 Kharej IPV6 and 1 Iran IPV6 for this purpose.
- Tunnel token is like password [Don't use capital word. Same value for Kharej & Iran. For example : azumi].
- Tunnel Port is the same for Kharej & Iran. [For example : 443]
- Enter your Iran IPV6 address.
- Kharej V2ray port is your original v2ray port [e.g. 8080].
- Iran V2ray port will be your new v2ray port [for example 8081,443 etc..].
- Select health check interval for each Kharej IPV6 [for example 10 seconds].
You can choose a single port for your kharej & iran v2ray ports. [ for example : if you have 2 IPV6, for each ipv6 you enter a single point for iran & kharej v2ray port] for example kharej & iran v2ray ports : both 8080 OR kharej v2ray port 8080 | Iran v2ray port 443
You can choose a different port for iran and another for kharej v2ray port. for example : 443 for iran, 8080 for kharej
You only need one IPV6 for iran server.
You can have as many IPV6 for kharej server.
Make sure to enter the same port for iran side as you have choosen on kharej server. for example if you have choosen 8080 for kharej v2ray port on kharej side, you should enter the same port for kharej v2ray port on iran side.
Loadbalance Iran Single Port
- Tunnel token is like password [same value you entered in kharej server. For example : azumi].
- Tunnel port can be any port [same value you entered in kharej server, for example : 443].
- Enter your dashboard username, password and desired port. [for example : https://yourdomain.com:700]
- Kharej V2ray port is your original v2ray port [e.g. 8080].
- Iran V2ray port will be your new v2ray port [for example 8081,443 etc..].you can also use the same port for iran & kharej v2ray port.
- One single port for both Kharej & iran V2ray port.
Additional info :
Loadbalance Multiple ports
- For loadbalancing multiple ports, it uses random method. it means if you have different ports, it may connect to one port at a time as the loadbalancer is working like that. that is why i prefer multiple IPV6 on a single port. [You can try different method and different ports.]
- Let's say you have 3 Kharej IPV6 with three different ports[ 8080-8081-8082], for your first kharej IPV6... you enter 8080 for both kharej/iran v2ray port and so on. [You can of course enter 8080 for kharej V2ray port and one single port [443] for every Iran V2ray ports.
- On iran side, if you are using one local ip, you should give port range for kharej/iran v2ray port. for example : kharej v2ray port : 8080,8081,8082 - iran v2ray port : 8080,8081,8082 << This should be done on iran side- loadbalance section.
- On iran side, if you are using three local ips[Iran IPV6} , you can enter the ports for every IPV6 seperately.<< this is available on simple v2ray tunnel nad it is not considered loadbalance hence not in loadbalance section.
- Don't use capital words when entering your inputs.
- Always configure iran server first.
- Make sure to enter the same port for iran side as you have choosen on kharej server. for example if you have choosen 8080 for kharej v2ray port on kharej side, you should enter the same port for kharej v2ray port on iran side.
- First, although it's optional, I recommend using the opiran vps optimiser or any other script you prefer:
apt install curl -y && bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opiran-club/VPS-Optimizer/main/optimizer.sh --ipv4)
- You can make extra Native IPV6 easily with this script below :
bash <(curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opiran-club/softether/main/opiran-seth)
apt install curl -y && bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azumi67/FRP-V2ray-Loadbalance/main/frptcp.sh --ipv4)
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