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Azure availability zones are essential for resiliency as they offer distinct physical locations within an Azure region, each with independent power, cooling, and networking. By distributing applications across availability zones, businesses can ensure high availability and fault tolerance, minimizing downtime and mitigating the impact of potential failures. This architecture enhances resilience by safeguarding against data center-level outages and providing redundancy for critical workloads, ultimately enabling uninterrupted service delivery and maintaining business continuity.
In the ALZ-Bicep
project we provide the ability to deploy resources that support zonal configuration in supported regions into availability zones to allow for a more resilient deployment of the landing zone platform resources.
- Azure Firewall (Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls)
- ExpressRoute Gateway (Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways)
- Public IP Address (Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses)
- Virtual Network Gateway (Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways)
All of the services that support zonal configuration are located in either the hubNetworking or the vwanConnectivity module. A sample parameters file for each module is provided to provide the required availability zones for those resources to be deployed in a zonal configuration.
In this module, you have the option to deploy the Azure Firewall, Virtual Network Gateway or the ExpressRoute Gateway into a zonal configuration.
You will need to edit the parameters/hubNetworking.parameters.az.all.json file to provide the zones supported by the region you are deploying to for the following parameters:
- parAzFirewallAvailabilityZones
- parAzErGatewayAvailabilityZones
- parAzVpnGatewayAvailabilityZones
NOTE: The zonal configuration of Public IP addresses is automatically configured if the associated resource is deployed into an zonal configuration.
"parAzFirewallAvailabilityZones": {
"value": [
"parAzErGatewayAvailabilityZones": {
"value": [
"parAzVpnGatewayAvailabilityZones": {
"value": [
- Follow the guidance in the hubNetworking.bicep module to deploy the module using parameters/hubNetworking.parameters.az.all.json parameters file.
# For Azure global regions
# Set Platform connectivity subscription ID as the the current subscription
ConnectivitySubscriptionId="[your platform connectivity subscription ID]"
az account set --subscription $ConnectivitySubscriptionId
# Set the top level MG Prefix in accordance to your environment. This example assumes default 'alz'.
dateYMD=$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%NZ)
az group create --location eastus \
--name $GROUP
az deployment group create --name ${NAME:0:63} --resource-group $GROUP --template-file $TEMPLATEFILE --parameters $PARAMETERS
# For Azure global regions
# Set Platform connectivity subscription ID as the the current subscription
$ConnectivitySubscriptionId = "[your platform connectivity subscription ID]"
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $ConnectivitySubscriptionId
# Set Platform management subscription ID as the the current subscription
$ManagementSubscriptionId = "[your platform management subscription ID]"
# Set the top level MG Prefix in accordance to your environment. This example assumes default 'alz'.
$TopLevelMGPrefix = "alz"
# Parameters necessary for deployment
$inputObject = @{
DeploymentName = -join ('alz-HubNetworkingDeploy-{0}' -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddTHHMMssffffZ'))[0..63]
ResourceGroupName = "rg-$TopLevelMGPrefix-hub-networking-001"
TemplateFile = "infra-as-code/bicep/modules/hubNetworking/hubNetworking.bicep"
TemplateParameterFile = "infra-as-code/bicep/modules/hubNetworking/parameters/hubNetworking.parameters.az.all.json"
New-AzResourceGroup `
-Name $inputObject.ResourceGroupName `
-Location 'eastus'
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @inputObject
In this module, you have the option to deploy the Azure Firewall into a zonal configuration.
You will need to edit the parameters/vwanConnectivity.parameters.az.all.json file to provide the zones supported by the region you are deploying to for the following parameters:
- parAzFirewallAvailabilityZones
"parAzFirewallAvailabilityZones": {
"value": [
- Follow the guidance in the vwanConnectivity.bicep module to deploy the module using parameters/vwanConnectivity.parameters.az.all.json parameters file.
# For Azure global regions
# Set Platform connectivity subscription ID as the the current subscription
ConnectivitySubscriptionId="[your platform connectivity subscription ID]"
az account set --subscription $ConnectivitySubscriptionId
# Set the top level MG Prefix in accordance to your environment. This example assumes default 'alz'.
dateYMD=$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%NZ)
# Create Resource Group - optional when using an existing resource group
az group create \
--name $GROUP \
--location eastus
az deployment group create --name ${NAME:0:63} --resource-group $GROUP --template-file $TEMPLATEFILE --parameters $PARAMETERS
# For Azure global regions
# Set Platform connectivity subscription ID as the the current subscription
$ConnectivitySubscriptionId = "[your platform connectivity subscription ID]"
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $ConnectivitySubscriptionId
# Set the top level MG Prefix in accordance to your environment. This example assumes default 'alz'.
$TopLevelMGPrefix = "alz"
# Parameters necessary for deployment
$inputObject = @{
DeploymentName = -join ('alz-vwanConnectivityDeploy-{0}' -f (Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddTHHMMssffffZ'))[0..63]
ResourceGroupName = "rg-$TopLevelMGPrefix-vwan-001"
TemplateFile = "infra-as-code/bicep/modules/vwanConnectivity/vwanConnectivity.bicep"
TemplateParameterFile = "infra-as-code/bicep/modules/vwanConnectivity/parameters/vwanConnectivity.parameters.az.all.json"
New-AzResourceGroup `
-Name $inputObject.ResourceGroupName `
-Location 'EastUs'
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @inputObject
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- Wiki Home
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- How Does ALZ-Bicep Implement Azure Policies?
- How Does ALZ-Bicep Implement resilient deployments across availability zones?
- Contributing
- Telemetry Tracking Using Customer Usage Attribution (PID)
- Azure Container Registry Deployment - Private Bicep Registry
- Sample Pipelines
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