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v0.52.0 - 2020-06-04
Bug Fixes 🐞
- bypass AzurePublicCloud assumption in e2e suite (#3371)
- use nvidia drivers version 418.126.02 for 18.04 (#3366)
- use right nodeSelector for cluster-autoscaler addon (#3350)
- use ctr to remove containerd containers (#3144)
Code Refactoring 💎
- consolidate tiller addon spec (#3399)
- consolidate smb-flexvolume addon spec (#3397)
- consolidate kube-proxy addon spec (#3391)
- consolidate kube-dns addon spec (#3390)
- consolidate keyvault-flexvolume addon spec (#3389)
- consolidate flannel addon spec (#3385)
- drop "beta" from label (#3369)
- consolidate aci-connector addon spec (#3358)
- consolidate blobfuse-flexvolume addon spec (#3359)
- consolidate calico addon spec (#3361)
- consolidate cloud-node-manager addon spec (#3363)
- consolidate aad-pod-identity addon spec (#3356)
- consolidate audit-policy "addon" spec (#3355)
- consolidate ip-masq-agent addon spec (#3347)
- consolidate kube-rescheduler addon spec (#3323)
Continuous Integration 💜
- updating pub to v0.2.3 (#3398)
- add notice file for windows vhd (#3345)
- use ginkgo 1.12, run go mod vendor during make coverage (#3343)
- enable multiple static resource group exclusions in cleanup script (#3340)
- moving windows vhd/image related test configs to westus2 (#3320)
Documentation 📘
- update sgx doc and sgx-test tag (#3349)
Features 🌈
- add "get-versions --azure-env" flag to list custom clouds supported versions (#3394)
- configurable calico logging verbosity (#3396)
- deprecate heapster addon (#3387)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.18.3 (#3309)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.10 (#3312)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.17.6 (#3311)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.19.0-beta.0 (#3299)
Maintenance 🔧
- use local kubeconfig if no outbound (#3410)
- standardize nodeSelectors (#3406)
- rev Windows VHD to 17763.1217.200603 (#3407)
- update node-problem-detector to v0.8.2 (#3365)
- Add EnableAHUB in WindowsProfile (#3322)
- rev AKS Engine VHDs to 2020.06.02 (#3395)
- remove unused, deprecated blobfuse spec (#3384)
- Bump moby version to 3.0.12 (#3376)
- add support for K8s 1.16.10 & 1.17.6 on Azure Stack (#3377)
- rev Linux VHDs to 2020.05.29 (#3378)
- rev pause image to 1.3.1 (#3370)
- get-logs collects vhd-install.complete (#3372)
- change MTU only if not Azure CNI on Azure Stack (#3367)
- upgrade cni to v1.1.3 (#3353)
- remove old labels.yaml file (#3357)
- update CNI binary to 0.8.6 (#3332)
- k8s v1.17 conformance model for Azure Stack (#3338)
- update kube-dashboard addon to v2.0.1 (#3327)
- rev coredns to 1.6.9 (#3328)
- rev default etcd version to 3.3.22 (#3325)
Testing 💚
- print podsecuritypolicy resources during E2E (#3386)
- Add test support for windows server 1909 (#3379)
- remove Kubernetes version restrictions from sgx tests (#3374)
- run everything E2E config against all cluster versions (#3348)