C Device SDK
- Testing: x509 authenticated devices
- #include "vector.h" is now properly namspaced
- can build on OSX
- can build on clang
- vector now can be detached by "move" API
- removed expired certs from certs.c
- uws is getting development traction. (websockets client)
- options can now be cloned as a HANDLE in bulk.
- no longer using crtdbg.h header on WIndows - deprecated in favor of Valgrind or VLD
C Service SDK
- Doxyfile has found it way back into the repo
Bug Fixes
- leaks under specific hostile conditions (tlsio_wolfssl, tlio_openssl, mqtt_client )
- setting the sytem time back one day and setting it back will have the SDK reconnect properly
- linux samples were missing "m" for linker
- linux sample were missing "azureiot/inc" for include paths
- vector can be used from C++ namespaces on clang
This release has been crafted from SHA f348ba0