Release notes
Breaking changes
Moved all the "ARM" variants of the CRD types into dedicated subpackages
This is only breaking for consumers of the Go package, not for users of the YAML, and only for those using the ARM types directly.
Upcoming Breaking changes
Deprecated managedclusters.containerservice.azure.com API versions
- The v1api20210501 and v1api20231102preview versions will be removed in ASO release 2.12.
- The v1api20230201 version will be removed in ASO release 2.13.
We recommend you move to use a different CRD version to avoid errors.
For more details see the breaking changes document.
New resources
- Add support for new insights DiagnosticSettings resource (#4363)
- Add support for new alertsmanagement SmartDetectorAlertRule resource (#4375)
- Add support for new containerservice API version 2024-09-01 (#4419)
- Add support for new network API version 2024-03-01. This includes VNet, Subnet, and many other networking resources (#4431)
- And support for new network PrivateDNS API version 2024-06-01 (#4431)
- Add support for dynamic secret or configmap export. See our documentation on Expressions (#4362, #4398)
- Updated numerous dependencies
Bug fixes
- asoctl: Handle deprecated trustedaccessrolebinding storage version in
asoctl clean crds
- Clarify some PostgreSQL User documentation (#4360)
- Improved CRD documentation by moving the "ARM" variants of the CRD types into dedicated subpackages.
- Capture recent advice to users in our docs (#4396)
Full Changelog: v2.10.0...v2.11.0