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Louie Larson edited this page May 15, 2023 · 23 revisions


In addition to the files common to all assets, the following are used for environments.


An Azure CLI v2 spec file. An environment example would look like this:


description: >-
  A sample environment.

name: "{{}}"
version: "{{asset.version}}"

  path: "{{asset.repo.url}}#{{asset.repo.commit_hash}}:{{asset.repo.build_context.path}}"
  dockerfile_path: "{{image.dockerfile.path}}"

os_type: linux

  PyTorch: "1.11"
  GPU: Cuda11
  OS: Ubuntu20.04
  Training: ""
  Preview: ""

Template tags

In addition to the template tags that are common to all assets, environment assets support the following additional ones:

Tag Resolves to
{{asset.repo.build_context.path}} Path to the environment's Docker build context in the release branch
{{}} Name of the environment's Docker image
{{image.context.path}} Path to the Docker build context, relative to the spec file
{{image.dockerfile.path}} Path to the Dockerfile, relative to the Docker build context root
{{image.publish.hostname}} Hostname of the container registry to which the image will be published


An environment config file provides configuration specific to environments.

image:                          # Image configuration
  name: azureml/curated/my_env  # Name of the environment's Docker image
  os: linux                     # OS type, either linux or windows
  context:                      # Docker build context information
    dir: context                # Directory containing the build context, relative to the environment config file
    dockerfile: Dockerfile      # Dockerfile location, relative to the build context directory. Defaults to Dockerfile if unspecified.
    template_files:             # Optional list of files that contain template tags that should be resolved before building the image
    - Dockerfile                # Template tags in this file will be replaced
  publish:                      # Publishing settings for the image
    location: mcr               # Location to which the image will be published. Must be set to mcr.
    visibility: public          # Visibility of published image. Options are public, internal, staging, or unlisted.

Note that the image name will need to be registered with MCR before the environment is added to azureml-assets. Otherwise, the environment will fail to create in any registry. The image name should largely match the environment name and be prefixed with azureml/curated/.

Template tags

The following template tags are supported:

Tag Normally used in Resolves to Example
{{latest-image-tag}} Dockerfile Either an image tag that with the same digest as latest, or the digest itself if a tag is not found FROM{{latest-image-tag}}
{{latest-image-tag:<some_regex>}} Dockerfile The most recent (descending lexicographical sort) tag that matches the provided regular expression FROM{{latest-image-tag:monthly\.\d{6}}}
{{latest-pypi-version}} requirements.txt or conda_dependencies.yaml The latest version of a package in PyPI azureml-core=={{latest-pypi-version}}
{{latest-pypi-version:pre}} requirements.txt or conda_dependencies.yaml The latest version of a package in PyPI, including prerelease ones azureml-core=={{latest-pypi-version:pre}}

Any of the above tags are resolved if they appear in any of the files listed in an environment config's template_files property.

Asset tags

The tags dictionary contains a list of asset tag names/values that are displayed in the UI. Empty values result in just the tag name being shown. Asset tags that apply to environments are:

Name Example value Description Required
Cuda 11.1.1 CUDA version
CuDnn cuDNN version
DeepSpeed 0.7.3 DeepSpeed version
Inferencing <empty> Supports AzureML inferencing
Nccl 2.8.4 NCCL version
OnnxRuntime 1.12 ONNX Runtime version
OpenMpi 4.1.0 Open MPI version
OS Ubuntu20.04 Operating system name and version X
Preview <empty> Public preview
Python 3.9 Python version X
PyTorch 1.12 PyTorch version
ScikitLearn 1.1 Scikit-learn version
TensorFlow 2.8 TensorFlow version

Testing environment image builds

To test your environment image builds locally, you can do something like the following:

cd <build_context_dir>
docker build . --file <dockerfile>

This isn't going to work if you're using template tags (and you should). An approach that handles template tags is:

cd <azureml-assets_repo>
pip install -e scripts/azureml-assets
cp -r <build_context_dir> /tmp/context
scripts/azureml-assets/azureml/assets/environment/ -i /tmp/context/<dockerfile>
# Repeat the above step for other files you need to update
docker build /tmp/context --file <dockerfile>
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