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components model_prediction

github-actions[bot] edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 32 revisions

Model Prediction



Description: Generate predictions on a given mlflow model for supported tasks.

Version: 0.0.16


type : evaluation sub_type : inference Preview

View in Studio:


Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
task Task type string tabular-classification False ['tabular-classification', 'tabular-classification-multilabel', 'tabular-regression', 'text-classification', 'text-classification-multilabel', 'text-named-entity-recognition', 'text-summarization', 'question-answering', 'text-translation', 'text-generation', 'fill-mask', 'image-classification', 'image-classification-multilabel', 'chat-completion', 'image-object-detection', 'image-instance-segmentation']
test_data Test Data uri_folder False
mlflow_model Mlflow Model - registered model or output of a job with type mlflow_model in a pipeline mlflow_model False
label_column_name Label column name in provided test dataset (Ex: label) string True
input_column_names Input column names in provided test dataset (Ex : column1). Add comma delimited values in case of multiple input columns (Ex : column1,column2) string True
evaluation_config Additional parameters required for evaluation. uri_file True
evaluation_config_params JSON Serialized string of evaluation_config string True
device string auto False ['auto', 'cpu', 'gpu']
batch_size integer True
validation_info Path to the validation info file uri_file True


Name Description Type
predictions uri_file
prediction_probabilities uri_file
ground_truth uri_file
performance_metadata uri_file



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