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AZD 🧑‍💻
AZD :technologist:
These modules are requested/used by the AZD team.
Something isn't working
Class: Pattern Module 📦
Class: Pattern Module :package:
This is a pattern module
Class: Resource Module 📦
Class: Resource Module :package:
This is a resource module
Class: Utility Module 📦
Class: Utility Module :package:
This is a utility module
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
Language: Bicep 💪
Language: Bicep :muscle:
This is related to the Bicep IaC language
Language: Terraform 🌐
Language: Terraform :globe_with_meridians:
This is related to the Terraform IaC language
Needs: Attention 👋
Needs: Attention :wave:
Reply has been added to issue, maintainer to review
Needs: Author Feedback 👂
Needs: Author Feedback :ear:
Awaiting feedback from the issue/PR author
Needs: Core Team 🧞
Needs: Core Team :genie:
This item needs the AVM Core Team to review it
Needs: External Changes ⚒️
Needs: External Changes :hammer_and_pick:
When an issue/PR requires changes that are outside of the control of the module. e.g. to an RP.
Needs: Immediate Attention ‼️
Needs: Immediate Attention :bangbang:
Immediate attention of module owner / AVM team is needed
Needs: Module Contributor 📣
Needs: Module Contributor :mega:
This module needs secondary owner(s) or contributor(s) to develop or maintain it
Needs: Module Owner 📣
Needs: Module Owner :mega:
This module needs an owner to develop or maintain it
Needs: More Evidence ⚖️
Needs: More Evidence :balance_scale:
We are looking for more evidence to make a decision on this
Needs: Triage 🔍
Needs: Triage :mag:
Maintainers need to triage still
PR: Safe to test 🧪
PR: Safe to test 🧪
Enables running of End to End Tests
Further information is requested
Status: Awaiting Release To Be Cut ✂️
Status: Awaiting Release To Be Cut :scissors:
This is fixed in the main branch but not in the latest release, will be fixed with next release cut
Status: Do Not Merge ⛔
Status: Do Not Merge :no_entry:
Do not merge PRs with this label attached as they are not ready or aligned to future direction etc.
Status: External Contribution 🌍
Status: External Contribution :earth_africa:
This is being worked on by someone outside of the AVM module owners/contributors or AVM core team