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SignedHttpRequest aka PoP (Proof of Possession)

Xiao Zhang edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 7 revisions


Proof-of-Possession (PoP) provides a mechanism to bind (sender-constrain) access_tokens at the application layer. PoP provides mitigation as access_token are only accepted inside a signed envelope. An access_token obtained by an attacker can only be used if the attacker has also obtained the private key associated with the access_token.

A SignedHttpRequest provides a mechanism to bind an http request to a (PoP) token by signing specific parts of the request.

Proof-of-Possession (PoP) represents a concept that can be implemented in many different ways. This implementation of PoP is based on the SignedHttpRequest spec and it's named SignedHttpRequest to make a clear distinction between other existing and future PoP implementations.

SignedHttpRequest was released as another IdentityModel assembly (Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.SignedHttpRequest) and started appearing with IdentityModel 6+ releases.

How to use it

The following sample shows how to use SignedHttpRequest in an ASP.NET Core Web API: 4.-Console-app-calls-web-API-with-PoP

If features a .NET Console application (using MSAL.NET to acquire a Pop token) calling an ASP.NET Core protected Web API using SignedHttpRequest to validate the Pop token. The code of interest is under SignedHttpRequest, in particular in SignedHttpRequestAuthenticationHandler.cs

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