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This plugin allows you to deploy BBj or Java classes that follow the development paradigm of "BusinessComponents" as a RESTful web service. It features GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations that are automatically translated to read, write and remove operation methods in your code.

See for a first naive sample implementation of a BC class on ChileCompany.


You can add the following options to your config.bbx to toggle certain behavior. The lines show the defaults that also apply when the entry is absent.


If set to 1 (default), the toJson method will always include the metadata used for serialization and deserialization in the basiscomponents ResultSet class. Set it to 0 if you would like to disable sending the metadata object.


If set to 1 (default), the RestBridge tries to serve gzip content when the according "Accept-Encoding" header contains the tag "gzip". Note that only gzip is supported by the plug-in. If you do never wish to deliver compressed content, e.g. for compatibility reasons or for debugging purpose, set this toggle to "0".

Servlet Parameters

The follwing Parameters are accepted in the configuration of the BBx Servlet in the Context Configuration:

Prameter Purpose
REST_PGM_PREFIX General prefix added to the beginning of the program name when searching for a class based on the URL.
REST_PGM_SUFFIX General suffix added to the end of the program name when searching for a class source file based on the URL. Typically .bbj
REST_WD The working directory to be set for every request
REST_ADAPTERPGM The adapter, typically RestBCAdapter.bbj
REST_ADAPTERTERM The terminal to set, e.g. NIO, IO or Tx. Note: on Windows you might want to set NIO if want to avoid the "BBj.exe" client processes in TaskManager
REST_TIMEOUT The timeout after which idle background workers terminate. Default: 60 seconds.
REST_TRACE The path of a directory to write a SETTRACE of the servlet and the BC Adapter. The directory must exist and be writable. Else the parameter will be ignored
REST_SERVLET_TIMEOUT Timeout after which a timeout is sent as response if the worker did not return in this moment.
REST_KILL_WORKER_AT_TIMEOUT  If set to 1 the worker will be killed when the servlet observes a timeout. If not set or 0, the worker will continue to run, potentially for a long time if the request was bad and leads to long code execution.
REST_MAX_WORKER_COUNT The maximum number of parallel workers per user
REST_MAX_WORKER_RECYCLECOUNT The number of rounds a worker is re-used before it ends itself and cleans up
REST_AUTHPGM The authentication program handling custom authentication rules. Default: authenticate.bbj
REST_REQUESTLOG Optional: path to a VKeyed file that will log every request
USE_GET_ALLOWED_FILTER If set to 1, the BC can optionally implement the method "getAllowedFilter" to determine which fields are allowed as query fields.
REST_INPUT_HANDLER Path to a custom input handler
REST_OUTPUT_HANDLER Path to a custom output handler
REST_DEFAULT_CHARSET The charset for transport. Defaults to UTF-8

Output Handling

The data conversion of the RestBridge has been extracted into a separate class called OutputHandler. This class evaluates the accept header of the client request and converts the ResultSet returned by the BC into the requested type. Currently, the class can convert the data into the following types:

Accept Header Data Format
text/csv TEXT
text/plain TEXT
text/html HTML
text/xml XML
application/xml XML
application/xls XLSX
application/json JSON

By defining a custom output handler, you can extend that list and handle custom MIME-Types as well. To do so, create a class which extends the RestBridge's OutputHandler class, and override the createContent(String) method. By overriding this method, you can handle the data conversion based on the accept header value yourself. Your class will then look like the following:

use ::RestBridge/OutputHandler.bbj::OutputHandler

class public CustomOutputHandler extends OutputHandler

    method public CustomOutputHandler(BBjNumber debug)

    rem /**
    rem  * Creates the output based on the given accept header and returns it 
    rem  * as String. The method return an empty String if the content is returned 
    rem  * in a different way, for example per file download.
    rem  * 
    rem  * @param accept! The accept header sent by the client for the given request
    rem  * @return the content in the requested format or an empty string if the 
    rem  *         content was returned using a file download for instance.
    rem  */
    method public String createContent(String accept!)
        rem Convert the ResultSet into the requested type based on the accept! value
        rem and return it as String

        rem fallback to the standard output handler in case the MIME type is unknown
        methodret #super!.createContent(accept!)


In order for your custom handler class to be used by the RestBridge, you will need to set the REST_OUTPUT_HANDLER option either in your config.bbx or in the bridge's servlet parameters. The value of this option should be the file name of the custom output handler class. The file name must have the same name as the class itself. The RestBridge will invoke the class if the file can be found on the system using the standard BBj file resolve mechanics (Working Directory, Prefix)  

_lookup Request

In some cases, BC fields can only be set to pre-defined values (typically represented by a DropDown Button on the client). To get the list of available values for a specific field, the _lookup request is used.

The _lookup call will invoke the BC's retrieveLookup(field$,filter!) method, and return the returned ResultSet.

A typical _lookup call looks like this (Using HTTP GET):


And it even supports filters:



Debugging the RestBridge can be done by setting DEBUG=1 in the RestBridge's config.bbx. Running the RestBridge in debug mode will cause more information to be printed in the Debug.log file, and it will also cause the RestBridge to log internal errors into a newly created log file called bridgeerrlog.txt saved in the RestBridge's working directory.

Request Logging

Once enabled, the request logging will cause the RestBridge to log the following information per incoming request:

  • The request's HTTP method(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc...)
  • The time it took to complete the request (start/end timestamps, duration)
  • The client's IP address
  • The request's URL and URI
  • The request's query parameters
  • The request's headers
  • The response status (HTTP Codes)

To enable the request logging, you will need to set the REST_REQUESTLOG variable in the RestBridge's config.bbx, and set the value to the path of the data file in which to store the request information. The RestBridge ships with an empty data file created for this exact purpose. You can copy the data file(RestBridge/RequestLog/REQUESTLOG) and the matching data dictionary(RestBridge/RequestLog/DD) to your desired location and set the REST_REQUESTLOG value to the data file's new location. Additionally, you can create a new database in the Enterprise Manager using the data dictionary and the data file to read and modify the content of the REQUESTLOG file using SQL.

The data file used to save the requests currently has the following template: ID:C(16),METHOD:C(1),START:N(1*),END:N(1*),DURATION:N(1*),ADDR:C(1*),URL:C(1*),URI:C(1*),QUERY:C(1*),HEADERS:C(1*),PARAMS:C(1*),STATUS:C(1*)**

The saved request information can be viewed using the Enterprise Manager (if configured) or by invoking the /admin/requestlog endpoint http://MyServer/MyContext/MyMapping/admin/requestlog