An app for finding people with common interests.
Note: Due to limited budgets as college students, our app currently have all APIs disabled. You might as well consider the app to be inactive at the moment...
Prototype designed with Figma. Developed using Dart and Flutter SDK.
Our app is made for users who'd like to search for friends with common interests, join an event, meet up, and connect. Our app's main feature is displayed below having the 'event' function being the central feature of our app.
Our app also uses generative AI to provide image generation when creating a cover image for a new event. Furthermore, the app also supports other functions such as, map display on home page, adding/blocking friends, chatting, and user's personalized profile.
To deploy our app, you may fork the repository and clone the forked repository onto your local device. Before starting the app, you may type the following on your CLI to check if you've Flutter properly set up on your local device.
$ flutter --version
If you're missing packages to successfully run the application you may try the following to install necessary packages.
$ flutter pub get
You may then type:
$ flutter run
To run the application.
Our project is protected under the GNU General Public License Version 3