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TheGameRazer is a custom retro 16-bit style emulator made in C, this is still in prototype stages...

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TheGameRazer is a custom retro 16-bit style emulator made in C,
this is still in prototype stages...


Official TGR Github: (WIP)
BILLPC2684's offical:

Is the current build runnable? (will update)

For Build: v0.0.42b Alpha

  • Runnable Build: Yes [theres a slight glitch with clock usage...]
  • Stable CPU EMU: Yes (Not completed)
  • Stable Memory: Yes (128 MB of RAM | 64 MB of VRAM)
  • Has Video: Yes (SDL | uses OpenGL)
  • Has Audio: No (Requesting help)
  • Has Inputs: Yes (SDL Window Input)
  • Has Network: No (Requesting help)
  • Saveable data: Yes (Fully functional)
  • Compiler Status: Outdated (Needs to be updated and has some bugs)

NOTE: if the emulator crashes or glitch out, check your ROM before reporting(if someone else made the ROM then contact them)

What is the next expected build version to be updated?

that will be Build v0.0.46x at Dec/xx/2019

Why does GitHub updates take so long?

  • i myself(BILLPC2684) is mostly the only one working on this project, so it's a slow process
  • life issues and school blocking from getting work done(plus not to mention other projects)
  • i like to push the most stable build that i can before making the next big update
  • also i'm working on making python3 able to be compiled into TGR bytecode(the design is still being worked on)

PLEASE BE PATIENT... Updates will come ASAP on schedule(hopefully)

Are ROMs free?

Yes for the most part, now people can charge or setup a donation system for their ROMs

We have no responsibility if your ROM gets hacked/modded or republished without your permission

Building the Emulator

For Linux

  • All required Packages are located in: linux-requirements.txt
    (all needs to be installed from your PackageManager)
  • open a terminal in the current folder and run: make (this compiles the emulator for you to run)\
  • to run the emulator, run: ./build/TGR-$(arch) <ROM> <ARGS>
    (replace <ROM> with the filepath to your ROM | for <ARGS> look down)
  • you can leave the <ROM> and <ARGS> blank and just press [CTRL]+[O] once the emulator has started

For Windows

  • undefined
    requesting help: windows seems to be unstable to build onto...
  • (download .exe build from github releases, if they exists)


  • undefined
    requesting help: i've never used a MAC before...*

Emulator Arguments

ARGs are not needed to run a ROM but can be useful for debuging...

  • -s <ms> or --slow <ms>: replace <ms> with the delay you want to have per instruction
  • -d or --debug: enabled debug mode for telling you whats going on
  • -pl or --pauseLoad: waits for user to press enter after running the BIOS
  • -wi or --waitInput: requires debug mode to work, after every instruction it waits for you to continue
  • -sk <inst> or --skip <inst>: replace <inst> with the amount of instructions you want to skip
  • -i or --info: prints the current FramesPerSec/InstructionsPerSec in the terminal every second.
  • -nu or --noUnicode: prints DataDump in ascii instead of unicode
  • -np or --noPrint: disables print instruction to terminal
  • -di or --devInfo: shows bref dev info...
  • -fr or --forceRender: forces every frame to render
  • -db or --debugBIOS: does the same as --waitInput but for the BIOS
  • -sb or --skipBIOS: skips the BIOS from running(saves ROM debuging time)
  • -nd or --noDump: skips BIOS/ROM dump from the terminal
  • -hi or --hudInfo: does the same as --info but for the HUD
  • -2x or --render2x: renders at 2x the size
  • -sl or --scanLines: renders at 2x with scanlines(50%) effect
  • -px or --pixelate: renders at 2x with pixelate effect
  • -3x or --render3x: renders at 3x the size
  • -sl3 or --scanLines3x: renders at 3x with scanlines(25%) effect
  • -sl35 or --scanLines3x5: renders at 3x with scanlines(75%) effect
  • -px3 or --pixelate3x: renders at 3x with pixelate effect
  • -si or --showInput: shows inputs
  • -sav <file> or --extSAV <file>: replace <file> with the .sav file you want to use !!not fully tested!!

How to make ROMs and compiling assembly programs:

check out out the WorkingInProgress offical github page:
(this should have everything you need)

Want to join our discord server? it's free

How to make a TGR Assembly File?

To compile programs for TGR, theres a python script is included named
It takes 2-3 arguments: the first is the input file and the second is the output file(the 3rd is not needed unless says it so).
Note: there might be slight probblems with it skiping some instructions that are in the code, we are trying to fix that...

The assembly code can contain any of the following instructions: (alittle broken but up-to-date)

  • labels: (any word with a : after it, just like nasm assembly)
  • raw <0xOO,0xAB,0xCI,0xII,0xII,0xII> (O: Instruction[8-bit] | A/B/C: 3 REGS[12-bit] | I: Intermediate[24-bit])
  • mov <destination(reg)> <source(reg or int)> (mov 8-bit int)
  • lmov <destinationA(reg)> <destinationB(reg)> <label name> (mov 16-bit int)
  • add <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • sub <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • mul <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • div <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • inc <destination(reg)>
  • dec <destination(reg)>
  • and <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • or <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • xor <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • bsl <destination(reg)>
  • bsr <destination(reg)>
  • not <destination(reg)>
  • split <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • combine <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)> <destination(reg)>
  • jmp <label name>
  • led <0xRRGGBB>
  • cmpeq <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)>
  • cmplt <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)>
  • cmpgt <A(reg)> <B(reg or int)>
  • rpos <A(reg)> <B(reg)>
  • wram <A(reg or address)> <B(reg if A is used for address)>
  • rram <A(reg or address)> <B(reg if A is used for address)>
  • wvram <A(reg or address)> <B(reg if A is used for address)>
  • rvram <A(reg or address)> <B(reg if A is used for address)>
  • rsav <A(address)> <B(reg)>
  • wsav <A(address)> <B(reg)>
  • rrom <A(address)> <B(address)> <C(reg)>
  • hlt <HALT_INFO> click to see them
  • disp <A(reg)> <B(reg[optional])> <C(reg[optional])>
  • flags <A(reg)>
  • dsend <A(reg)> <deviceID> <instruction>
  • drecv <A(reg)> <deviceID> <instruction>
  • icout <A(reg)> <B(reg)>
  • exec <EXEC_INFO> click to see them
  • rbios <A(address)> <B(address)> <C(reg)>
  • push <A(reg or int)>
  • pop <A(reg or int)>
  • call <label name>
  • ret takes no arguments
  • swap takes no arguments
  • gclk <A(reg)> <reset?>
  • wait <MS Delay>
  • nop What? you expect me to take a argument? NOPe sorry, not today!

When making a function should follow the following protocol concept: (optional)

	pop g ;save the return adress in an unused register (g in this case)

	<some code not using the g register here>

	mov h,<return value> ;the h register is preserved by function calls so return values can work

	push g ;push g to the top of the stack so ret knows where to return to
call [function_name]


TheGameRazer is a custom retro 16-bit style emulator made in C, this is still in prototype stages...







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