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@BIVectors BIVectors released this 14 Sep 02:59
· 16 commits to main since this release

Changelog for BRAVEHEART v1.0.1

Contact us at with any questions or concerns.

This update adds a few minor updates and does not change any core functionality of BRAVEHEART. Assuming that the settings in Annoparams.m or the GUI are unchanged, output from ECG processing will be unchanged (except for the software version number) and will yield the same results.

Changes to Denoising/Filtering Settings:

  1. The default wavelet decomposition level for high-frequency denoising/low-pass filtering has been changed from 2 to 1 in Annoparams.m and Annoparams.csv. This corresponds to a cutoff frequency of 125 Hz for ECGs sampled at 500 Hz and a cutoff freqyency of 250 Hz for ECGs sampled at 1000 Hz. This value can be changed by editing Annoparams.m or Annoparams.csv (see User Guide Chapter 6)

  2. When using the GUI and changing ECG formats, the nominal high-frequency denoising/low-pass filtering cutoff frequency has been increased from 62.5 Hz to 125 Hz for ECGs sampled at 500 and 1000 Hz based on the sampling frequency that is associated with the ECG format in ecg_formats.csv and ecg_source_gui.m. ECGs sampled at 500 Hz will therefore use wavelet decomposition level 1, and ECGs sampled at 1000 Hz will use wavelet decomposition level 2. ECGs with sampling frequencies other than 500 or 1000 Hz are set to level 1 regardless of their sampling frequency.

  3. Increased the maximum level of low-frequency (high-pass) wavelet decomposition from 11 to 14 when using the GUI. This allows use of ECGs with sampling frequencies up to 2000 Hz and a high-pass frequency of 0.06 Hz (level 14 with a sampling frequency of 2000 Hz). This only has an effect when using the GUI as when running the software via braveheart_batch.m the high-pass wavelet decomposition level is set manually via Annoparams.m or Annoparams.csv.

  4. Added error handling if the user chooses a wavelet decomposition level for baseline wander removal that is above the maximum level of $n_{\mathrm{max}} = \mathrm{floor}(\mathrm{log_{2}} L)$ where $L$ is the length of the signal.

  5. Added more mother wavelets to the GUI. The wavelet name dropdowns for both high- and low- frequency denoising now include Symelet ('sym') 4-10 and Daubechies ('db') 4-10 wavelets. Any mother wavelet from MATLAB can be added if using the command line version of BRAVEHEART and setting the wavelet name in Annoparams.m or Annoparams.csv. A full list of MATLAB wavelets and their associated strings can be found in the MATLAB documentation or by typing waveinfo in the MATLAB Command Window. Note that high-frequency denoising/low-pass filtering requires use of orthogonal wavelets.

  6. When selecting an ECG format via the GUI, the high-pass cutoff frequency is set automatically based on the sampling frequency to the wavelet level which gives the first decomposition level that is < 0.25 Hz. The level can still be edited manually in the GUI dropdowns after the ECG is loaded. The command line version still requires the wavelet level for low frequency denoising/high pass filtering to be set manually in Annoparams.m.

New ECG Formats:

  1. Added the ability to read Cardiosoft XML files.

Other Changes:

  1. Updated user guide with minor changes/fixes/clarifications, additions to the Troubleshooting section, and new sections about adding custom ECG filtering schemes and information on how to adjust denoising/filtering parameters.

  2. Very small update to normal ranges based on minor edits from our newly published manuscript now available at:
    Stabenau et al. Limits of the Spatial Ventricular Gradient and QRST Angles in Patients with Normal Electrocardiograms and No Known Cardiovascular Disease Stratified by Age, Sex, and Race. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 2023, In Press. DOI: