The job of Machine Learning team is to learn and make machine learning model of Braille Translator. The following are the work stages of the Machine Learning team
We collect the data from Kaggle and Google Images
After collecting the dataset, we do preparation data by cleaning the image that not suitable for our model, such as deleting and crop the image that still can be use
We use image augmentation to the original images to create additional training samples to expanding the training data with diverse variations and to reduce overfiting. Preprocess the data using Label Encoding imported from sklearn.preprocessing.
- Distribution of The Dataset
- Dataset Split
We split the data into three folders. Namely train, validation and test.
We created Convolutional Neural Network models using PyTorch Framework for Braille Classification
- Model Summary
- Train The Model
After training the model, we carry out a model evaluation to ensure that the model that has been worked on can perform Braille translation tasks with a high level of accuracy.
- BRAIT Model Loss and Accuracy
Testing models in the BRAIT project have an important role in ensuring that the model can work effectively and reliably in Braille translation tasks.
- BRAIT Model Testing
- Save Model
This is our saved model file - BRAIT_PYTORCH.pth