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Map Options

Nahuel Rocchetti edited this page Dec 31, 2024 · 4 revisions

Map Options

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Map options allow you to add some customization to your maps by letting the user choose between custom defined options specific to them.

How to use

First create a Map Options object by heading to GameObject -> BRC MapStation -> Map Options. There should only be 1 of this component per map.

You'll be presented with a blank Map Options component. Click the "Add" button to add your first option.


The "Name" field should be unique to each option.

By default, the possible values will be OFF and ON, but you can remove/rename/add new ones as you wish. Make sure you also pick the value you want to be the default using the "Default value" dropdown.


The "Description" and "Preview Camera" fields are optional. These will be displayed in-game when the player is changing map options if they're set.

If you want to create a Preview Camera, create a new Camera in your scene and give it the "Camera Registerer" component.


Make sure the GameObject for the preview camera is not set to active, then assign it to your Map Option.


In-game, you should now have a "Map Options" app in your phone.


Toggling GameObjects

To make a GameObject activate/deactivate depending on map options, add an "Active On Map Option" component to it.


Pick your desired option using the Option dropdown, and then add the Values you want to make the GameObject activate using the "Add" button under "Values"

The following will make the GameObject active when the "Quality" map option is set to either "Medium" or "High"


You can set the Filter Mode to "Option Doesnt Match Any Value" to invert the condition, so the GameObject will only be active when the map option is NOT "Medium" or "High"


Make sure your GameObject is set to Active when saving your scene for the component to work.