This repositiory contains the code required to reproduce the copy number analysis presented in the publication The copy number and mutational landscape of recurrent ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (Smith & Bradley et al. 2023 - Nature Communications).
Clone this git repository and cd
into the directory
git clone
cd britroc-1-cn-analysis
Provided conda is installed and available on the $PATH
run the following line. This will downloaded the pre-processed data from zenodo, install the required conda environment, and install packages which are not available via conda channels.
is the path to your conda directory, such as /home/username/resources/miniconda/
conda activate britroc
Given all the previous steps were completed without issue, the entire copy number analysis can be reproduced by running the following bash script
This will generate html markdown documents for all analyses performed as part of this publication excluding the compilation of main figures which is dependent on additional repositories.