This is an image instensive android app that accesses the Harvard Art Museum API to display artwork and details about the artwork. In order to use this app yourself you have to specify an API key in the gradle-properties file. You can get an API key [here] ( Also, you will need google-services.json for the admob which can be easily removed.
Some features:
- Uses material design concepts.
- Uses Recyclerviews and Staggeredgridlayout to display the images.
- Endless RecyclerView that loads images only when scrolling.
- Uses viewpagers to swipe between centuries and a spinner to select the type of media.
- Uses a content provider to store favorite artworks.
- Implemented a widget to view the artwork using an AdapterViewFlipper.
- Search function to search for artists.
- Set artwork as wallpaper.
- Share artwork.
- Optimized for mobile devices and tablets.
- Uses Volley library for API calls and image loading.
- Admob/Analytics