Fullstack open source login & register dashboard application made with MySql, Express, React & Nodejs (MERN)
In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.
- Open the project in your prefered code editor.
- Go to terminal -> New terminal (If you are using VS code)
- Split your terminal into two (run the client on one terminal and the server on the other terminal)
In the first terminal
$ cd client
$ npm install (to install client-side dependencies)
$ npm run dev(to start the client)
In the second terminal
- Create your MySQL database, which you will use as your database
- Supply the following credentials
# --- Terminal ---
$ cd server
$ npm install (to install server-side dependencies)
$ npm start (to start the server)
- User registration and login
- Authentication using JWT Tokens
- Responsive Design
This project was created using the following technologies.
- React js - JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically for single-page applications
- React Hooks - For managing and centralizing application state
- react-router-dom - To handle routing
- axios - For making Api calls
- SCSS - For User Interface
- React icons - Small library that helps you add icons to your react apps.
- Node js -A runtime environment to help build fast server applications using JS
- Express js -The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
- mysql - For authentication
- cors - Provides a Connect/Express middleware
- MySQL - It provides a free cloud service to store MongoDB collections.