Produces various manipulations with currencies. Caches the result for 1 hour to the local machine. Works with external API.
- React + TypeScript
- Basic configuration: Create React App
- UI: Bootstrap
- State Manager: Redux toolkit
- Results are cached in indexedDB
- Formik + yup for submitting and validating forms
- Displaying currency charts using chart.js
- Working with dates with moment.js
- Page routing with react-router v6
- Saving search parameters in the URL as a search query
- Used API from Exchangerates Data Api
These instructions will help you run a copy of the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
For the project to work, the following dependencies must be installed on your system:
- Node.JS and NPM — Documentation
- Copy this repository to your local machine
- Run the command in the project folder
npm install
- Start the project
npm start
Choose currencies, currency pairs, dates and perform various manipulations with them.