I once found myself stuck. I had a slick bit of R code that I was using to generate some valuable stats, but I had no way to get it into production. The app stack where I was working was mostly LAMP, and honestly, anybody who says they want to do statistical computing in PHP should seek medical attention.
In order to properly develop and deploy my service with continuous integration, I needed to be able to answer all the usual questions:
- Can I package up my R code to run in other environments?
- Can I run unit tests against my code?
- Can I easily wrap my code in a REST API?
- Can I bundle everything together into a production-ready container?
- Can I automate the testing of that container before it goes into production?
Luckily, we have all the pieces we need!
- R and its packaging system help with portability
- The testthat package allows us to test our R code
- The amazing OpenCPU project gives us an easy way to wrap R code with an API
- OpenCPU also has Docker support so we can containerize our service
- Travis CI provides easy tools for automated testing of our Docker container
This Git repo can serve as a template for the layout of your project. It is organized as an R package, with a few add-ons for Docker and OpenCPU. Here's a quick rundown of what the various files and directories do:
: Your R code goes in this directorydocker/installer.R
: Used to install any R dependencies your code might have. This will take the place oflibrary()
calls in your R codedocker/opencpu_config/Renviron
: (optional) If your code relies on environment variables (viaSys.getenv()
), you will need to set those variables here so that OpenCPU has access to them when it runs inside the Docker containerdocker/opencpu_config/server.conf
: (optional) Tells the OpenCPU to preload your R dependencies for better performancetests/testthat.R
: The master test file that initiates tests for your packagetests/testthat/
: Your individual tests go in this directory.gitignore
: Prevents your local junk (things like the .DS_Store files on your Mac) from being stored/tracked by Git.travis.yml
: Travis integration settingsDESCRIPTION
: Metadata about the R package you are developingDockerfile
: Instructions for Docker on how to containerize your applicationLICENSE
: Legal things that people rarely readNAMESPACE
: R package instructions for importing other libraries and exporting your own functionsREADME.md
: Bad jokes and explanatory gymnastics
For this tutorial, we will build a very simple service that takes in a text string and returns the average number of characters per word. The stringr
package provides some very useful functions that will allow us to do this quickly and easily. Here is the code that we will build our service around:
getMeanWordLength <- function(text) {
words <- str_split(text, " ")
word_lengths <- lapply(words, str_length)[[1]]
Our R code should live in the R/
directory of our project, so we will place this code in R/getMeanWordLength.R
. Now, we will need to complete the other files that the R packaging system expects: DESCRIPTION
file is pretty self-explanatory, but pay special attention to the Depends:
and Suggests:
lines. Our package depends on stringr
, so we need to make that dependency explicit by including it in Depends:
. Because we will also be using testthat
for our unit tests, we need to name it in the Suggests:
line. Here's what our DESCRIPTION
file looks like:
Package: stringstats
Title: String Statistics API
Version: 1.0
Date: 2017-08-30
Authors@R: person("Christopher", "Walker", email = "cw25@me.com", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Author: Christopher Walker [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Christopher Walker <cw25@me.com>
Description: API for calculating simple statistics about text strings.
Depends: R, stringr
Suggests: testthat
License: MIT
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
We also need to update NAMESPACE
to tell our package how to access the functions we need from the stringr
package. Thankfully, it's a simple one-liner:
We have a bare bones R package now. Now let's look at how we can write and run tests to ensure that our package does what we expect it to do.
Testing is easy in R, thanks to testthat
. First, we create the master file (tests/testthat.R
) that will trigger all of our tests.
Then, in the tests/testthat/
directory, we can have as many tests as we need, split into as many files as we need. We just need to name them so they start with test_
and end with .R
. Let's create tests/testthat/test_getMeanWordLength.R
to test the function we wrote.
test_that("Mean word length is computed correctly", {
text = "Do you want the mustache on or off"
expect_equal(getMeanWordLength(text), 3.376)
The actual mean word length of our test string is 3.375, but this gives us an opportunity to see a test fail, and to look at a few helpful tips that will make development go more smoothly. From the project's root directory, we can test our project with the R CMD CHECK .
command. This will trigger a build of our package (like Docker would do in production) and run our tests.
Here is the output from the testing portion of our build:
* checking tests ...
Running ‘testthat.R’
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
Loading required package: stringr
> test_check("stringstats")
1. Failure: Mean word length is computed correctly (@test_getMeanWordLength.R#5)
getMeanWordLength(text) not equal to 3.376.
1/1 mismatches
[1] 3.38 - 3.38 == -0.001
testthat results ================================================================
1. Failure: Mean word length is computed correctly (@test_getMeanWordLength.R#5)
Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK
Status: 1 ERROR, 2 WARNINGs, 2 NOTEs
R produces a lot of output when you build a package. Sometimes your test output scrolls away in the stdout flood, or helpful test output gets truncated. If you want to view the full results of your tests, R captures all test output in ..Rcheck/tests/testthat.Rout.fail
when your tests fail, and ..Rcheck/tests/testthat.Rout
when they succeed. If your build breaks, and R is complaining, the ..Rcheck
directory is a good place to start looking for answers.
Once our test is fixed, the end of the check looks like this instead:
* checking tests ...
Running ‘testthat.R’
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK
Status: 2 WARNINGs, 2 NOTEs
‘/Users/cwalker/Documents/Illuminate/Data Science/R Libraries/opencpu_service_ci_tutorial/..Rcheck/00check.log’
for details.
No more errors. Now we are ready to wrap our function in an API.
Docker is going to do most of the heavy lifting for us where OpenCPU is concerned. All we need to worry about is how to configure the OpenCPU server. OpenCPU generally works very well out of the box, but I'll share two things that I've found useful. (Both are optional, so you can skip them if you like.)
OpenCPU can accept runtime configuration options from a server.conf
file. We will store that file at docker/opencpu_config/server.conf
in our project and later we will tell Docker to inject it into our service container. I like to use server.conf
to tell OpenCPU about my R dependencies in advance so it will preload those libraries at server startup. The format is simple JSON:
"preload": ["stringr"]
I've also run into cases where I want OpenCPU to have access to environment variables. docker/opencpu_config/Renviron
stores those variables.
(Note: Our .gitignore
file is set up to exclude this file, so if you are using it to store something sensitive like database access credentials, they won't wind up publicly accessible in Github.)
In this tutorial, we won't actually use Renviron
, but if we did, it would look something like this:
Our R code would then be able to access those environment variables using calls to Sys.getenv()
I don't know about you, but I'm not too fond of setting up new server hardware. Rather than dedicate an entire production server to running OpenCPU, and doing all the hard work of installing and configuring it, OpenCPU provides an official Dockerfile
to do it for us.
If you're not familiar with Docker, you can think of a Docker container as a stripped down virtual machine, containing only the bare minimum components necessary to run your service. Containerizing your service gives you some amazing advantages like tracking your server configuration changes via version control, fast spin-up of services, efficient auto-scaling of your services, etc.
We will need to setup two Docker-related files in order to build a Docker image of our service. Once the image is built, we will spin up a container with our image and see OpenCPU in action. Let's start with our Dockerfile
# Use the official OpenCPU Dockerfile as a base
FROM opencpu/base
# Put a copy of our R code into the container
WORKDIR /usr/local/src
COPY . /usr/local/src/app
# Move OpenCPU configuration files into place
COPY docker/opencpu_config/* /etc/opencpu/
# Run our custom install script to install R dependencies
RUN /usr/bin/R --vanilla -f app/docker/installer.R
# Install our code as an R package on the server
RUN tar czf /tmp/stringstats.tar.gz app/ \
&& /usr/bin/R CMD INSTALL /tmp/stringstats.tar.gz
Again, OpenCPU has done lots of the heavy lifting for us. The opencpu/base
image takes care of the low-level setup and we only have to worry about our service. (If you're really curious to see the OpenCPU server's Dockerfile
, you can take a look here.)
In our Dockerfile
, you may have noticed that there is a command that runs a custom install script, docker/installer.R
. We will use that script to install our R package dependencies. For this tutorial, we only need to install stringr
from CRAN:
install.packages(c('stringr'), repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org', dependencies=TRUE)
If we wanted to install multiple CRAN packages, we would simply add them to our install.packages()
call. We might also use devtools::install_github()
to install R packages hosted on Github.
Let's build our Docker image! From inside the project directory, run the command docker build -t stringstats .
and watch Docker do its magic.
$ docker build -t stringstats .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 243.7kB
Step 1/6 : FROM opencpu/base
---> 9f6c992d11d8
Step 2/6 : WORKDIR /usr/local/src
---> Using cache
---> 90ca706a641d
Step 3/6 : COPY . /usr/local/src/app
---> 6ab2e5381552
Removing intermediate container 454e6a09e6c3
Step 4/6 : COPY docker/opencpu_config/* /etc/opencpu/
---> 9ebff403e548
Removing intermediate container 1373debe2889
Step 5/6 : RUN /usr/bin/R --vanilla -f app/docker/installer.R
---> Running in 971798f47f33
...(lots of output as R installs stringr and its dependencies)...
---> 58c99ee9cc7b
Removing intermediate container 971798f47f33
Step 6/6 : RUN tar czf /tmp/stringstats.tar.gz app/ && /usr/bin/R CMD INSTALL /tmp/stringstats.tar.gz
---> Running in fde9754b5566
* installing to library '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library'
* installing *source* package 'stringstats' ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
No man pages found in package 'stringstats'
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (stringstats)
---> b8228a7adfc2
Removing intermediate container fde9754b5566
Successfully built b8228a7adfc2
Successfully tagged stringstats:latest
Now that we've built an image, let's launch a container: docker run -d -p 8004:8004 stringstats
. OpenCPU provides a UI on port 8004, so we make sure to tell Docker to map that port to port 8004 on localhost. This will let us access the running container in our web browser for testing.
$ docker run -d -p 8004:8004 stringstats
That long ID is your unique container ID, but I find it much easier to lean on docker ps
to see my running containers, get their unique IDs and names, etc.
$ docker ps
448ee587c78a stringstats "/bin/sh -c 'apach..." 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 80/tcp, 443/tcp,>8004/tcp pensive_colden
Here's the moment of truth... let's open a web browser and test our running API. Browse to http://localhost:8004/ocpu/test/
and you should see OpenCPU's test page:
First, let's make sure that OpenCPU has our stringstats
package installed. In the "HTTP Request Options" form, try this endpoint (leave the Method set to GET): ../library/stringstats/R/getMeanWordLength
When we test the request, it should succeed with code HTTP 200 OK
In production, consumers of our API obviously won't use the OpenCPU testing interface. If you want to directly hit the API itself, try browsing to http://localhost:8004/ocpu/library/stringstats/R/getMeanWordLength/print
We've been using GET
requests, so instead of executing our code, OpenCPU is just showing us the underlying code for our endpoint. When we want to actually execute the code, we will use POST
requests instead. Go back to the OpenCPU test interface and try a POST
- Set the Method to
- Use the "Add Parameter" button to add a
argument - Remember, the argument accepted by our R function was named
, so we set the "Param Name" totext
also - For the "Param Value", make sure to surround your text in quotes so it gets passed to the API correctly
- Click "Ajax Request"
What the deuce is that output?! A bunch of weirdo file paths or URLs? That's not what we expected. Here are the URLs that popped up for me (they use temporary IDs, so yours will look just a bit different):
I won't go into detail on all of these, but the basic idea is that OpenCPU captures a number of different streams of information for every request. You can see the raw stdout output, the code block that was executed, the exact function call, etc. The .val
URL is the one we would use to see the results of our API call, so I'll browse to http://localhost:8004/ocpu/tmp/x074d9e56cf/R/.val
to view the output:
[1] 4.428571
It works! But wait, it redirected me! I wound up at http://localhost:8004/ocpu/tmp/x074d9e56cf/R/.val/print
. To use this as a service, I'd want JSON output instead. Edit the URL and try http://localhost:8004/ocpu/tmp/x074d9e56cf/R/.val/json
. You should see the same data presented as JSON.
This is all great for testing, but what about production? We don't want to hit the service twice for every request. Ideally, we would just send a single POST
request to the endpoint we want, and get a JSON payload back without ever seeing those temporary IDs. In that case, we would send our POST
request directly to: http://localhost:8004/ocpu/library/stringstats/R/getMeanWordLength/json
$ curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"text": "This is a direct API request"}' http://localhost:8004/ocpu/library/stringstats/R/getMeanWordLength/json
When working with OpenCPU, I highly recommend keeping a link to the OpenCPU API docs handy!
The last thing we need to do is setup our Travis CI integration. Once you've logged in to Travis, click on your avatar icon in the upper right to visit your account settings page. On that page, you'll see a list of your public Github repos, with handy instructions.
Just click the button-slider icon next to your repo's name and you should see a green check mark indicating that Travis has been enabled for your repo.
Now, click on the name of your repo to watch your builds. You won't see anything there yet because we also need to set up the .travis.yml
file in our repo:
sudo: false
warnings_are_errors: false
language: r
cache: packages
Now that both sides are configured properly, the next time you commit and push changes to Github, Travis will automatically trigger a build. Here's what it looks like on the Travis side. The build status is colored yellow to indicate a build in progress.
After it completes, it will turn red upon failure or green upon success.
Success! We now have a pipeline that takes us through development, testing, and CI. Actual deployment to production is left as an exercise for the reader ;-)
Many thanks to:
- Kyle Umstatter, my former Illuminate Education colleague and Ops guru, for patiently answering a gajillion questions
- Jeroen Ooms, for saving me so much time/effort with his hard work on OpenCPU
- The R community for their constant willingness to help
- You, for reading this
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this tutorial! You can find me on Twitter at @iamchriswalker or email me at cw25@mac.com