release candidate 3
A lot has happened since the last release! This packages up ~800 commits by 119 authors. Thanks all!
With all releases one should do make clean && make superclean
to clear out old materials before compiling the new release.
- layers
- solvers: Adam #2918, RMSProp #2867, AdaDelta #2782
- MSRA #1946 and bilinear interpolation #2213 weight fillers
- N-D blobs #1970 and convolution #2049 for higher dimensional data and filters
- tools:
- pycaffe:
- matcaffe: totally new interface with examples and tests #2505
- cuDNN: switch to v2 #2038, switch to v3 #3160, make v4 compatible #3439
- separate IO dependencies for configurable build #2523
- large model and solverstate serialization through hdf5 #2836
- train by multi-GPU data parallelism #2903 #2921 #2924 #2931 #2998
- dismantle layer headers so every layer has its own include #3315
- workflow: adopt build versioning #3311 #3593, contributing guide #2837, and badges for build status and license #3133
- SoftmaxWithLoss normalization options #3296
- dilated convolution #3487
- expose Solver Restore() to C++ and Python #2037
- set mode once and only once in testing #2511
- turn off backprop by skip_propagate_down #2095
- flatten layer learns axis #2082
- trivial slice and concat #3014
- hdf5 data layer: loads integer data #2978, can shuffle #2118
- cross platform adjustments #3300 #3320 #3321 #3362 #3361 #3378
- speed-ups for GPU solvers #3519 and CPU im2col #3536
- make and cmake build improvements
- and more!
- #2866 fix weight sharing to (1) reduce memory usage and computation (2) correct momentum and other solver computations
- #2972 fix concat (broken in #1970)
- #2964 #3162 fix MVN layer
- #2321 fix contrastive loss layer to match Hadsell et al. 2006
- fix deconv backward #3095 and conv reshape #3096 (broken in #2049)
- #3393 fix in-place reshape and flatten
- #3152 fix silence layer to not zero bottom on backward
- #3574 disable cuDNN max pooling (incompatible with in-place)
- make backward compatible with negative LR #3007
- #3332 fix pycaffe
- #1922 fix cross-channel LRN for large channel band
- #1457 fix shape of C++ feature extraction demo output
- hdf5 is required
- cuDNN compatibility is now at v3 + v4 and cuDNN v1 and v2 are not supported
- IO dependencies (lmdb, leveldb, opencv) are now optional #2523