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This repository is a collection of scripts and Ansible playbooks that I used to provision all of my machines, from laptop to servers.

  • script will install Arch Linux, based on my installation notes. This script will cover the Pre-installation, Installation, and Configure the system sections. It will also configure OpenSSH server, firewall, and user creation in the Post-installation section. The remaining Post-installation steps are covered by Ansible roles/archlinux_common and roles/gui.

  • script will install Arch Linux with bcachefs instead, based on my installation notes. Bcachefs is still considered as experimental, so make sure you have a working backup. Similarly, it will cover the Pre-installation, Installation, and Configure the system sections. In addition, it will also configure OpenSSH server, firewall, and user creation in the Post-installation section. The remaining Post-installation steps are covered by Ansible roles/archlinux_common and roles/gui. The script is designed to work on bcachefs with single drive or multiple drives setup. But current only single drive without encryption setup works.

  • will create a latest Arch Linux ISO under /tmp directory with optionally additional kernel parameters. It will also copy installation scripts to /root in the ISO image.

    sudo bash
 will create a virtual machine using ISO files created by It will not have graphics output, only serial output to terminal. This requires adding kernel parameter console=ttyS0 to ISO image.

    sudo bash  vm_name
 will remove a virtual machine and its storage.

    sudo bash  vm_name

    I use these scripts to test my Arch Linux installation scripts.

  • and will configure OpenSSH server port and firewall.

  • roles/ directory contains various Ansible roles. You could find documentation of each Ansible role under its directory.


Arch Linux Installation script

  • Boot into live ISO
  • Download the file
    curl -LO
    If you want to use systemd-homed, also download
    curl -LO
  • Run the installation script
    If using systemd-homed the installation script will only set up a root account, and create /root/ You need to reboot into newly installed system and login as root, then run

Ansible playbooks

To run Ansible playbooks locally.

  • Download necessary packages
    pacman -S --needed git ansible
  • Clone this repository
    git clone
    cd homelab_automation
  • Edit gui_example.yml and host_vars/gui_example.yml. You may also check headless_example.yml and host_vars/headless_example.yml.
  • Run ansible playbooks locally with
    ansible-playbook gui_example.yml

Ansible roles

Here is the brief introduction of all Ansible roles, detailed documentation of each Ansible role listed under its directory, including all Ansible variables and examples. All Ansible roles listed below are tested with Arch Linux. Some also tested with fedora or Debian.

  • archlinux_common contains common/sane post-installation configuration for Arch Linux.
  • auto-update will auto-update your system and reboot if necessary. For Arch Linux it will send an email contains pacman -Syu log to the email address configured in roles/msmtp.
  • gui related tasks, like installing GPU driver, PipeWire, desktop environment, Flatpak, restore dotfiles, and setup snapshot for your home directory.
  • msmtp configures a simple SMTP client, used to send email notification.
  • nas will edit fstab to mount extra disk and set up btrfs-scrub timer. It will send btrfs scrub result and S.M.A.R.T. notification to an email address configured with roles/msmtp. It could also set up NFS ans Samba server.
  • podman rootless containers that I used in my homelab. These containers could run as different users.
  • nut(Network UPS Tools) will monitor UPS status and send email notification configured with roles/msmtp.
  • openssh server limit allowed login user, only allow public key authentication, set up firewall rules.
  • systemd_networkd configuration, either single NIC with static IP or custom setup.
  • wpa_supplicant setup when using systemd-networkd as network manager. DOES NOT work with NetworkManager.
  • libvirt virtualization.


My homelab automation scripts and Ansible playbooks




