Simple solution of program animation for Unity
You can animating Color property and Alpha channel for elements of UI or Renderer components. Also you can animate gameObject and its children gameObjects with supported component.
Supported graphical components:
- Text
- Image
- RawImage
- LineRenderer
- MeshRenderer
You can animate localPosition for Transform component. Also you can generate multi-step animation.
How to use SimpleAnimator for Unity
- Add ElementsAnimator to the Scene.
- Find reference of ElementsAnimator component. (You can use Dependency Injection, Singleton or direct finding on the scene)
- Send target gameObject and neseccary animation parameters to one of the ElementsAnimator's methods.
Animate Alpha channel
ElementsAnimator programAnimator = transform.GetComponentInParent<ElementsAnimator>(); Text text = GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); RawImage icon = GetComponentInChildren<RawImage>(); float startValue = 0; float finishValue = 0.5f; float time = 2f; programAnimator.AnimateAlpha(text.gameObject, startValue, finishValue, time); programAnimator.AnimateAlphaFromCurrentState(icon.gameObject, finishValue, time);
Send animateChildren parameter as true to animate all suitable children of the target gameObject
float delay = 0.3f; bool animateChildren = true; programAnimator.AnimateAlphaFromCurrentState(gameObject, finishValue, time, delay, animateChildren);
Animate Color
LineRenderer line = GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>(); Color startColor = Color.white; Color finishColor =; programAnimator.AnimateColor(line.gameObject, startColor, finishColor, time);
Animate position
Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2(0, 0); Vector2 finishPosition = new Vector2(10, -5); programAnimator.AnimatePosition(gameObject.transform, startPosition, finishPosition, time);
Use IEnumerator type methods to create Coroutine with animation and start it manually.
void StartAnimation() { float time = 2f; Vector2 shift = new Vector2(5, 5); StartCoroutine(ReverceAnimation(shift, time)); } private IEnumerator ReverceAnimation(Vector2 shift, float time) { yield return _programAnimator.GetShiftPositionAnimation(gameObject.transform, shift, time); yield return _programAnimator.GetShiftPositionAnimation(gameObject.transform, -shift, time); }
Set current FPS value to ElementsAnimator.FrameRate for improve time accuracy of animation
_programAnimator.FrameRate = currentFrameRate;