This is an IoT platform created with three goals in mind:
- Performance
- Scalability
- Modularity
We don't lie! For all of the above goals we have done something.
For performance: We have used MQTT for fast and reliable delivery of messages, and we have also used the Nodejs for the sake of it's asynchrounos innate, that improves the performance of the application.
For Scalability: We are using containers and balance loaders so that our platform never discourage you :)
For Modularity: Nodejs is inherently extremely modular, and to make our application more modular, we intend to use docker containers for different services of our application.
From the benefits of this architecture we can point out following reasons:
- This makes balance loading easier. (By creating multiple instance of a certain docker image.)
- Easier development.
- Greater maintainability
First of all you need to set up bamboo platform, you have two choice for that:
- Using docker-compose:
git clone
cd bamboo
docker-compose up
After running bamboo platform you must run your favorite gateway (hub) in order to communicate with platform. For more technical information about Bamboo platform please refer to bamboo-doc.
At 2017 when we decided to re-write mia to handle more load and making it a commercial project Iman suggested that we can use NodeJS for this and Bamboo was born. At the same time I was writing my thesis for B.Sc., so I decided to change its subject to having NodeJS-based IoT Platform.
At the end this project presented as my thesis and then deprecated in favor of I1820.