NewsLaravelGraphQL is a Laravel-based web service that leverages the power of GraphQL to provide a flexible and efficient API for accessing news articles and related information. This project is built on Laravel version 10 and utilizes PHP 8.2, ensuring modern and robust development practices.
NewsLaravelGraphQL provides an alternative approach to creating a web service for news-related content. Unlike traditional RESTful APIs, it utilizes GraphQL, a query language for APIs, which allows clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more. This can lead to reduced over-fetching and under-fetching of data, resulting in better performance and a more efficient development process.
- GraphQL-based API for news articles.
- Efficient data retrieval with custom queries.
- Laravel version 10 and PHP 8.2 for a modern development stack.
- Easy installation and configuration process.
Follow these steps to set up and run NewsLaravelGraphQL on your local machine.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- PHP 8.2
- Composer
- MySQL or your preferred database system
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd NewsLaravelGraphQL
- Install PHP dependencies:
composer install
- Rename the
file to.env
and configure your database settings. - Generate an application key:
php artisan key:generate
- Run database migrations:
php artisan migrate
To start the development server, run:
php artisan serve
in your browser to access the GraphQL Playground. Here, you can explore the available queries and mutations, and interact with the API.
The GraphQL schema for NewsLaravelGraphQL defines the types, queries, and mutations that the API supports. You can find the schema definition in the graphql directory of the project.
Type | Name | Description | Example |
Query | articles |
Retrieve a list of news articles. | articles { id, title, content, category { id, name } } |
Query | article |
Retrieve a specific news article by ID. | article(id: 123) { id, title, content, category { id, name } } |
Mutation | createArticle |
Create a new news article. | createArticle(input: { title: "New Article", content: "Content here", categoryId: 1 }) { id } |
Mutation | updateArticle |
Update an existing news article by ID. | updateArticle(id: 123, input: { title: "Updated Title" }) { id, title } |
Mutation | deleteArticle |
Delete a news article by ID. | deleteArticle(id: 123) |
Query | categories |
Retrieve a list of news categories. | categories { id, name } |
Query | category |
Retrieve a specific news category by ID. | category(id: 1) { id, name } |
Mutation | createCategory |
Create a new news category. | createCategory(input: { name: "Technology" }) { id } |
Mutation | updateCategory |
Update an existing news category by ID. | updateCategory(id: 1, input: { name: "Updated Category" }) { id, name } |
Mutation | deleteCategory |
Delete a news category by ID. | deleteCategory(id: 1) |
Query | authors |
Retrieve a list of news authors. | authors { id, name } |
Query | author |
Retrieve a specific news author by ID. | author(id: 1) { id, name } |
Mutation | createAuthor |
Create a new news author. | createAuthor(input: { name: "John Doe" }) { id } |
Mutation | updateAuthor |
Update an existing news author by ID. | updateAuthor(id: 1, input: { name: "Updated Author" }) { id, name } |
Mutation | deleteAuthor |
Delete a news author by ID. | deleteAuthor(id: 1) |
Query | comments |
Retrieve a list of comments for an article. | comments(articleId: 123) { id, content } |
Mutation | createComment |
Create a new comment for an article. | createComment(input: { articleId: 123, content: "Great article!" }) { id } |
Mutation | updateComment |
Update an existing comment by ID. | updateComment(id: 456, input: { content: "Updated comment" }) { id, content } |
Mutation | deleteComment |
Delete a comment by ID. | deleteComment(id: 456) |
Query | searchArticles |
Search for articles based on a query. | searchArticles(query: "GraphQL") { id, title } |
Query | searchAuthors |
Search for authors based on a query. | searchAuthors(query: "Doe") { id, name } |
Query | searchCategories |
Search for categories based on a query. | searchCategories(query: "Tech") { id, name } |
Query | topArticles |
Retrieve top-rated articles. | topArticles(limit: 5) { id, title, rating } |
Mutation | rateArticle |
Rate an article by ID. | rateArticle(id: 123, rating: 4) { id, title, rating } |
Query | recentArticles |
Retrieve recent articles. | recentArticles(limit: 10) { id, title, created_at } |
Query | featuredArticles |
Retrieve featured articles. | featuredArticles(limit: 3) { id, title, isFeatured } |
Query | relatedArticles |
Retrieve related articles for an article. | relatedArticles(articleId: 123, limit: 3) { id, title } |
Query | popularAuthors |
Retrieve popular authors based on ratings. | popularAuthors(limit: 5) { id, name, averageRating } |
Query | mostCommented |
Retrieve most commented articles. | mostCommented(limit: 3) { id, title, commentCount } |
Mutation | addBookmark |
Add an article to user's bookmarks. | addBookmark(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, title, bookmarks { id, title } } |
Mutation | removeBookmark |
Remove an article from user's bookmarks. | removeBookmark(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, title, bookmarks { id, title } } |
Query | userBookmarks |
Retrieve a user's bookmarked articles. | userBookmarks(userId: 123) { id, title, bookmarks { id, title } } |
Query | articleBySlug |
Retrieve an article by its slug. | articleBySlug(slug: "sample-article") { id, title, content, category { id, name } } |
Query | userActivity |
Retrieve recent activity for a user. | userActivity(userId: 123, limit: 5) { id, action, timestamp } |
Mutation | createUser |
Create a new user. | createUser(input: { username: "newuser", email: "" }) { id, username } |
Mutation | updateUser |
Update user details. | updateUser(id: 123, input: { username: "updateduser" }) { id, username, email } |
Mutation | deleteUser |
Delete a user. | deleteUser(id: 123) |
Mutation | changePassword |
Change user's password. | changePassword(id: 123, newPassword: "newpass123") { id, username } |
Mutation | resetPassword |
Reset user's password. | resetPassword(email: "") { message } |
Mutation | requestArticleDeletion |
Request deletion of user's article. | requestArticleDeletion(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, title, status } |
Query | notifications |
Retrieve user's notifications. | notifications(userId: 123, limit: 10) { id, message, timestamp } |
Mutation | markAsRead |
Mark a notification as read. | markAsRead(userId: 123, notificationId: 789) { id, message, isRead } |
Mutation | markAllAsRead |
Mark all user's notifications as read. | markAllAsRead(userId: 123) { id, message, isRead } |
Query | articleComments |
Retrieve comments for a specific article. | articleComments(articleId: 456) { id, content, user { id, username } } |
Query | userComments |
Retrieve comments by a specific user. | userComments(userId: 123) { id, content, article { id, title } } |
Query | commentReplies |
Retrieve replies for a specific comment. | commentReplies(commentId: 789) { id, content, user { id, username } } |
Query | userRoles |
Retrieve roles for a specific user. | userRoles(userId: 123) { id, name } |
Mutation | assignRole |
Assign a role to a user. | assignRole(userId: 123, roleId: 456) { id, name, users { id, username } } |
Mutation | revokeRole |
Revoke a role from a user. | revokeRole(userId: 123, roleId: 456) { id, name, users { id, username } } |
Query | rolePermissions |
Retrieve permissions for a specific role. | rolePermissions(roleId: 456) { id, name, permissions { id, action } } |
Mutation | addPermission |
Add a permission to a role. | addPermission(roleId: 456, permissionId: 789) { id, name, permissions { id, action } } |
Mutation | removePermission |
Remove a permission from a role. | removePermission(roleId: 456, permissionId: 789) { id, name, permissions { id, action } } |
Query | userSubscriptions |
Retrieve a user's subscribed topics. | userSubscriptions(userId: 123) { id, topic, subscribedAt } |
Mutation | subscribeToTopic |
Subscribe a user to a topic. | subscribeToTopic(userId: 123, topic: "Technology") { id, topic, subscribedAt } |
Mutation | unsubscribeFromTopic |
Unsubscribe a user from a topic. | unsubscribeFromTopic(userId: 123, topic: "Technology") { id, topic, subscribedAt } |
Query | topicSubscribers |
Retrieve subscribers of a topic. | topicSubscribers(topic: "Technology") { id, username } |
Query | topicArticles |
Retrieve articles for a specific topic. | topicArticles(topic: "Technology", limit: 5) { id, title, topic } |
Query | topicArticlesCount |
Retrieve the article count for a topic. | topicArticlesCount(topic: "Science") |
Query | userActivitySummary |
Retrieve summary of user's activity. | userActivitySummary(userId: 123) { id, username, totalActions } |
Query | popularTopics |
Retrieve popular topics based on subscriptions. | popularTopics(limit: 5) { id, topic, subscriptionCount } |
Mutation | createTag |
Create a new article tag. | createTag(name: "Tutorial") { id, name } |
Mutation | updateTag |
Update tag details. | updateTag(id: 123, name: "Updated Tag") { id, name } |
Mutation | deleteTag |
Delete a tag. | deleteTag(id: 123) |
Query | taggedArticles |
Retrieve articles with a specific tag. | taggedArticles(tagId: 456) { id, title, tags { id, name } } |
Mutation | addTagToArticle |
Add a tag to an article. | addTagToArticle(articleId: 123, tagId: 456) { id, title, tags { id, name } } |
Mutation | removeTagFromArticle |
Remove a tag from an article. | removeTagFromArticle(articleId: 123, tagId: 456) { id, title, tags { id, name } } |
Query | similarArticles |
Retrieve articles similar to a specific one. | similarArticles(articleId: 123, limit: 3) { id, title, similarityScore } |
Mutation | createAdvertisement |
Create a new advertisement. | createAdvertisement(input: { title: "New Ad", link: "" }) { id } |
Mutation | updateAdvertisement |
Update advertisement details. | updateAdvertisement(id: 123, input: { title: "Updated Ad" }) { id, title } |
Mutation | deleteAdvertisement |
Delete an advertisement. | deleteAdvertisement(id: 123) |
Query | allAdvertisements |
Retrieve all advertisements. | allAdvertisements { id, title, link } |
Query | featuredAd |
Retrieve a featured advertisement. | featuredAd { id, title, link } |
Query | randomAd |
Retrieve a random advertisement. | randomAd { id, title, link } |
Query | advertisement |
Retrieve a specific advertisement by ID. | advertisement(id: 123) { id, title, link } |
Mutation | clickAdvertisement |
Register a click on an advertisement. | clickAdvertisement(id: 123) { id, title, link, clicks } |
Mutation | impressionAdvertisement |
Record an impression of an advertisement. | impressionAdvertisement(id: 123) { id, title, link, impressions } |
Query | popularArticles |
Retrieve popular articles based on metrics. | popularArticles(limit: 5) { id, title, views, rating } |
Query | highestRated |
Retrieve articles with the highest ratings. | highestRated(limit: 3) { id, title, rating } |
Query | mostViewed |
Retrieve most viewed articles. | mostViewed(limit: 5) { id, title, views } |
Query | userFavorites |
Retrieve articles favorited by a user. | userFavorites(userId: 123) { id, title, favorites { id, title } } |
Mutation | favoriteArticle |
Favorite an article for a user. | favoriteArticle(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, title, favorites { id, title } } |
Mutation | unfavoriteArticle |
Unfavorite an article for a user. | unfavoriteArticle(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, title, favorites { id, title } } |
Query | featuredAuthor |
Retrieve a featured author. | featuredAuthor { id, name, bio } |
Query | randomAuthor |
Retrieve a random author. | randomAuthor { id, name, bio } |
Query | similarAuthors |
Retrieve authors similar to a specific one. | similarAuthors(authorId: 123, limit: 3) { id, name, similarityScore } |
Query | searchTags |
Search for tags based on a query. | searchTags(query: "Tutorial") { id, name } |
Query | userTags |
Retrieve tags favorited by a user. | userTags(userId: 123) { id, name, favorites { id, name } } |
Mutation | favoriteTag |
Favorite a tag for a user. | favoriteTag(userId: 123, tagId: 456) { id, name, favorites { id, name } } |
Mutation | unfavoriteTag |
Unfavorite a tag for a user. | unfavoriteTag(userId: 123, tagId: 456) { id, name, favorites { id, name } } |
Query | relatedTags |
Retrieve related tags for a specific tag. | relatedTags(tagId: 789) { id, name, related { id, name } } |
Query | articleTags |
Retrieve tags for a specific article. | articleTags(articleId: 123) { id, name } |
Mutation | createReview |
Create a new review for an article. | createReview(input: { articleId: 123, content: "Great article!" }) { id } |
Mutation | updateReview |
Update an existing review by ID. | updateReview(id: 456, input: { content: "Updated review" }) { id, content } |
Mutation | deleteReview |
Delete a review by ID. | deleteReview(id: 456) |
Query | reviewsByArticle |
Retrieve reviews for a specific article. | reviewsByArticle(articleId: 123) { id, content, user { id, username } } |
Query | userReviews |
Retrieve reviews by a specific user. | userReviews(userId: 123) { id, content, article { id, title } } |
Query | topReviewers |
Retrieve top reviewers based on activity. | topReviewers(limit: 5) { id, username, reviewCount } |
Query | userReviewStats |
Retrieve review statistics for a user. | userReviewStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalReviews, averageRating } |
Query | articleRatings |
Retrieve ratings for a specific article. | articleRatings(articleId: 456) { id, rating, user { id, username } } |
Mutation | rateArticle |
Rate an article by a user. | rateArticle(userId: 123, articleId: 456, rating: 4) { id, rating, user { id, username } } |
Mutation | updateArticleRating |
Update a user's rating for an article. | updateArticleRating(userId: 123, articleId: 456, newRating: 5) { id, rating, user { id, username } } |
Mutation | deleteArticleRating |
Delete a user's rating for an article. | deleteArticleRating(userId: 123, articleId: 456) { id, rating, user { id, username } } |
Query | articlesWithTag |
Retrieve articles with a specific tag. | articlesWithTag(tagId: 789) { id, title, tags { id, name } } |
Query | articlesByAuthor |
Retrieve articles by a specific author. | articlesByAuthor(authorId: 123) { id, title, author { id, name } } |
Query | articlesByCategory |
Retrieve articles by a specific category. | articlesByCategory(categoryId: 456) { id, title, category { id, name } } |
Query | articlesByTopic |
Retrieve articles by a specific topic. | articlesByTopic(topic: "Technology") { id, title, topics } |
Query | articlesByTag |
Retrieve articles by a specific tag. | articlesByTag(tagId: 789) { id, title, tags { id, name } } |
Query | latestComments |
Retrieve latest comments. | latestComments(limit: 5) { id, content, created_at } |
Query | topCommenters |
Retrieve top commenters based on activity. | topCommenters(limit: 5) { id, username, commentCount } |
Query | userCommentStats |
Retrieve comment statistics for a user. | userCommentStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalComments, averageWords } |
Query | userRatingStats |
Retrieve rating statistics for a user. | userRatingStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalRatings, averageRating } |
Query | userBookmarkStats |
Retrieve bookmark statistics for a user. | userBookmarkStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalBookmarks, bookmarkedTopics } |
Query | userFavoriteStats |
Retrieve favorite statistics for a user. | userFavoriteStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalFavorites, favoriteTags } |
Query | userReviewStats |
Retrieve review statistics for a user. | userReviewStats(userId: 123) { id, username, totalReviews, averageRating } |
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- title: STRING
- content: TEXT
- author_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references authors)
- category_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references categories)
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- name: STRING
- bio: TEXT
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- name: STRING
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- content: TEXT
- user_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references users)
- article_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references articles)
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- name: STRING
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- article_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references articles)
- tag_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references tags)
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- user_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references users)
- article_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references articles)
- rating: FLOAT
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- user_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references users)
- article_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references articles)
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- content: TEXT
- user_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references users)
- article_id: INTEGER (Foreign Key references articles)
- rating: FLOAT
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
- id: INTEGER (Primary Key)
- title: STRING
- link: STRING
- clicks: INTEGER
- impressions: INTEGER
- created_at: TIMESTAMP
- updated_at: TIMESTAMP
And many more...
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. See for more information.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
Copyright 2023, Max Base