Attack of the Obnoxious, Hangry, Puss-filled Multi-Dimensional Mutant Lasagne Monsters (starring Walter Chambers!)
Lasagne Monsters is a 2D platform game. The objective is to eliminate all the monsters on each stage, as well as rescue the girls that they are keeping prisoner. The game uses a Metroidvania style of play, meaning that players can free roam and explore.
This game is still in development and as such it may exit suddenly or crash. More screenshots can be found in the dev/screenshots folder. If the game crashes on startup, try deleting the save game data (see below).
This game requires SDL 2.0 (along with SDL Mixer, SDL Image, and SDL TTF). Compile by running make and then ./lasagneMonsters to run the game.
- [A] - Move left
- [D] - Move right
- [I] - Jump
- [J] - Fire
- [L] - Use
- [Escape] - Menu
Save game data is stored in ~/.local/share/lasagneMonsters. If the game crashes on start up, try deleting the game.json and config.json files and trying again. This may happen from time to time until the game reaches v1.0.
Some options won't be found in the main game UI, but can be accessed and tweaked the game's ~/.local/share/config.json file.
- deadzone: Specifies deadzone of the joystick. This can be used to control the sensitivity of the joystick. Increase the value if you experience drift or jitter. Takes a value between 0 and 127.
Source code (src and tools) is license under GPL 3.0
Graphics (gfx) and data (data) are licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0, with the following attribution: Copyright 2019, Parallel Realities |
- EnterCommand.ttf, by jeti - (CC-BY 4.0)
This game was made by Parallel Realities. You can find out more at